存储过程(Stored Procedure),就是一组用于完成特定数据库功能的SQL语句集,该SQL语句集经过编译后存储在数据库系统中。 在使用时候,用户通过指定已经定义的存储过程名字并给出相应的存储过程参数来调用并执行它,从而完成一个或一系列的数据库操作 Oracle存储过程包含三部分:过程声明,执行过程部分,存储过程异常 存储过程创...
存储过程(Stored Procedure)是在大型数据库系统中,一组为了完成特定功能的SQL 语句集,经编译后存储在数据库中,用户通过指定存储过程的名字并给出参数(如果该存储过程带有参数)来执行它。存储过程是数据库中的一个重要对象,任何一个设计良好的数据库应用程序都应该用到存储过程。 创建存储过程语法: create [or replace...
存储过程(stored procedure)从根本上讲就是命名PL/SQL程序块,它可以被赋予参数、存储在数据库中,然后由另一个应用或者PL/SQL例程激活(或者调用)。建立最简单的存储过程: SQL>createproceduremy_procas2begin3null;4endmy_proc;5/过程已创建。 注意: 可以注意到,当建立存储过程的时候,用户需要在过程的最后一行放入...
Stored procedures can return user-defined types, or cursor variables, of the REF CURSOR category. This output is equivalent to a database cursor or a JDBC result set. A REF CURSOR essentially encapsulates the results of a query. In JDBC, REF CURSORs are materialized as ResultSet objects and...
{ int outpar1 = null; object outpar2 = null; var myquery = context.myStoredProcedure(PersonID, PersonName, ref outpar1, ref outpar2); } After the procedure is called, the variables outpar1 and outpar2 contain the values of out parameters. Top tal...
Use DEFAULT instead of ":=" when declaring default values for your parameters. DEFAULT is more precise because you are defaulting the values; the calling procedure can override the values. Conversely, use ":=" instead of DEFAULT when declaring values for your constant variables. Using ":=" is...
Oracle Forms internal 和 UI variables Java variables 引用host variables需要在变量名称前加上“:”。Host Variable 可以在匿名块引用但是不能在过程内部引用,也可以作为参数传入传出过程。 使用IN OUT Parameter 举例 调用环境: phone_no # 在调用之前为‘8006330575’ ...
The Oracle JDBC driver supports bind variables of type REFCURSOR. A REFCURSOR is represented by a JDBC ResultSet. Use the getCursor method of the CallableStatement to convert a REFCURSOR value returned by a PL/SQL block into a ResultSet. JDBC lets you call a stored procedure that executes a ...
In SQL Server, as I pointed out at the beginning, the variables are treated the same way for ad hoc queries and stored procedures. Let’s do a quick and easy example where we need to write a stored procedure returning the First Name and Last Name of a customer given its CustomerId. ...
The Oracle JDBC driver supports bind variables of type REFCURSOR. A REFCURSOR is represented by a JDBC ResultSet. Use the getCursor method of the CallableStatement to convert a REFCURSOR value returned by a PL/SQL block into a ResultSet. JDBC lets you call a stored procedure that executes a ...