use ";" to list all the lines in the SQL buffer. The buffer has no command history list and does not record SQL * Plus commands. L [ IST ] [ n | n m | n * | n LAST | * | * n | * LAST | LAST ] 例子: SQL > LIST 1 * SELECT * FROM SCOTT.EMP -- -28 PASSWORD; ...
slash (/) in the iSQL*Plus Workspace. The buffer has no command history and does not record SQL*Plus commands. 例子:如下图所示: ---5 ACCEPT SQL> HELP ACCEPT ACCEPT可以修改既有变量,也可定义一个新变量并等待用户输入初始值。 ACCEPT --- Reads a line of input and stores it in a given ...
Sets a system variable to alter the SQL*Plus environment for your current session. See below for supported SET commands. SHO[W] [option] Shows the value of a SQL*Plus system variable or the current SQL*Plus environment. Supported SHOW commands follow: SHOW ALL Lists the settings of all SHO...
实验4:使用sqlplus,进入sqlplus并进行简单的操作 进入sqlplus 通过Windows下dos进入 1) 开始-运行 >cmd 2) 进入sqlplus ·不登录进入sqlplus程序界面 >sqlplus /nolog ·不登录进入windows界面(windows特有的) >sqlplusw /nolog 弹出windows窗口界面 3)连接远程数据库 >sqlplus /nolog不登录进入sqlplus程序界面 >connsco...
-- to, even if the tables are not used to restrict commands. -- USAGE -- sqlplus system/<system_password> @pupbld -- -- Connect as SYSTEM before running this script -- If PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE exists, use its values and drop it ...
1、登录服务端:sqlplus / as sysdba; 2、关闭数据库:shutdown immediate; 3、打开数据库:startup mount; 4、关闭归档日志:alter database noarchivelog; 5、开启数据库:alter database open; 6、查看归档日志是否关闭:archive log list ; 这里特别说明一下归档日志的存放位置。
CHARACTER SET ZHS16GBK;由于我们已经编辑好了新的参数文件,所以可以使用这个参数文件启动实例:C:\oracle\oradata>set ORACLE_SID=juliaC:\oracle\oradata>sqlplus "/ as sysdba"SQL*Plus: Release - Production on星期一 6月 25 09:45:59 2007...
SET HISTORY LIMIT N allows you to change the default limit, where N is the maximum number. History is retained between SQLcl sessions. By default, the SHOW, HISTORY, CONNECT, and SET commands are not saved in history. SET HISTORY BLACKLIST allows you to set the commands that should not ...
What is the outcome of the above commands?A.They execute and create a virtual catalog for pre-Oracle 11g clients.B.They produce an error because PROD1 and PROD2 databases belong to the older version.C.They produce an error because you need to connect as CATOWNER to execute this packaged...
需要先在本机装一个oracle服务端 不想装客户端可以去官网上下载一个instantclient-basic-nt-文件 然后在sqlplus界面 的工具-》首选项-》oracle-》连接里面配客户端地址