ARRG!!! Sorry, just needed to do this. I have a file to load into Oracle and am using SQLLDR. The original file looks like this...
我测试了一下,试验证明是可以的,sqlldr支持多字符分隔符文件导入。 Oracle11g的新特性:Database和SQL重演(replay) November 14, 2006 Database Replay是指在产品环境的数据库上捕获所有负载,并可以将之传送至Standby数据库或由备份恢复的测试库上,在测试环境中重演主库的环境,这使得升级或者软件更新可以进行预先的"...
Enables a PL/SQL procedure evaluated at runtime which calculates the next set of date parameter values for a recurring request. Enter the name of the PL/SQL procedure. The procedure expects one argument—a number signifying the change in milliseconds between the start dates of the first and cu...
structure. It creates a user and a role, and it creates a schema structure in the target RDS for PostgreSQL database. It then gets the latest Oracle system change number (SCN) and converts it into Unix time in milliseconds. Unix time is used for the CDC start...
Enables a PL/SQL procedure evaluated at runtime which calculates the next set of date parameter values for a recurring request. Enter the name of the PL/SQL procedure. The procedure expects one argument—a number signifying the change in milliseconds between the start dates of the first and cu...
structure. It creates a user and a role, and it creates a schema structure in the target RDS for PostgreSQL database. It then gets the latest Oracle system change number (SCN) and converts it into Unix time in milliseconds. Unix time is used for the CDC start...
DMSCDCTaskStartTimeInMilliSeconds Provide the timestamp value from the output of the scn_information_from_source.out log file. Manual entry DMSRepulicationInstanceARN Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the replication instance. You can get this value from the out...
DMSCDCTaskStartTimeInMilliSeconds Provide the timestamp value from the output of the scn_information_from_source.out log file. Manual entry DMSRepulicationInstanceARN Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the replication instance. You can get this value from the ou...
structure. It creates a user and a role, and it creates a schema structure in the target RDS for PostgreSQL database. It then gets the latest Oracle system change number (SCN) and converts it into Unix time in milliseconds. Unix time is used for the CDC start...