new 8: from dba_tab_privs tt where tt.grantee=(upper('sec')) old 11: from KU$_TSQUOTA_VIEW tt where tt.user_name=(upper('&&user_name')) new 11: from KU$_TSQUOTA_VIEW tt where tt.user_name=(upper('sec')) SQL_TEXT --- grant DBA to SEC; grant UNLIMITED TABLESPACE to SEC; ...
grant select on 数据库.* to 'sread'@'%';show grants for sread12grantselecton数据库.*to'sread'@'%';showgrantsforsread然后告诉项目组好了,可以 转载 592 阅读 点赞 评论 sql server授权所有视图的查询权限 sql授权 编程之翼 499 天前 1、添加用户角色 要想成功访问 SQL Server 数据库中的数据...
在SQL Server 分发服务器中,打开一个命令提示符窗口。 若要使用 SQL*PLUS 连接到 Oracle 数据库并从其默认安装目录执行 oracleadmin.sql 脚本,请键入以下语法: sqlplus system/P@$$W0rd@orcl @"c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\<InstanceName>\MSSQL\Install\oracleadmin.sql" ...
-- -- create any trigger -- -- All of the privileges may be granted through a role, with the -- exception of create table, create view, and create any trigger. -- These must be granted explicitly to the replication user login. -- In the script, all grant...
View Grants No Yes Yes Download Composite Service No (Configurable) Yes Yes Note: Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway leverages the concepts of permissions and permission sets to grant data access privileges or permissions to users through roles. For example, multiple privileges related to...
SQL>set long 2000; 说明:可以根据视图的text_length值设定set long 的大小 SQL>select text from user_views where view_name=upper('&view_name'); 6 同义词 1、 查看同义词的名称 SQL>select * from user_synonyms; 7 约束条件 1、 查看某表的约束条件 ...
To view the Security reports: On the Workspace home page, click theUtilitiesicon. ClickObject Reports. The Object Reports page appears. In the Security Reports section, click the report you want to view: Object Grants- View the privileges for an existing schema and also understand what privilege...
1、.:.;Oracle 常用系统表dba_ 开头dba_users数据库用户信息dba_segments表段信息dba_objects数据库对象信息dba_extents数据区信息dba_tablespaces 数据库表空间信息dba_data_files 数据文件设置信息dba_temp_files 暂时数据文件信息dba_rollback_segs 回滚段信息dba_ts_quotas 用户表空间配额信息dba_free_space 数据...
提供PL/SQL到PL/PGSQL语法的自动转换,一定程度避免了人工修正。 可生成迁移报告,包括迁移难度评估、人天估算。 可选对导出数据进行压缩,节约磁盘开销。 配置选项丰富,可自定义迁移行为。 官方网站: 📣 3.环境准备 ✨ 3.1 安装openGauss ...