uniquekey constraint requires that every value in a column or set of columns beunique. No rows of a table may have duplicate values in a column (the uniquekey) or set of columns (the composite unique key) with a unique key constraint. Note: Because the database enforces a unique constra...
uniquekey constraint requires that every value in a column or set of columns beunique. No rows of a table may have duplicate values in a column (the uniquekey) or set of columns (the composite unique key) with a unique key constraint. Note: Theterm key refers only to the columns define...
uniquekey constraint requires that every value in a column or set of columns beunique. No rows of a table may have duplicate values in a column (the uniquekey) or set of columns (the composite unique key) with a unique key constraint. Note: Theterm key refers only to the columns define...
Oracle语句出现错误217,需检查相关数据类型或语法问题。建议检查字段定义及SQL语句准确性。 Oracle错误217通常是在执行某些数据库操作时出现的,这个错误是由于在处理数据时违反了某种约束条件而导致的,在Oracle数据库中,错误217通常与违反了唯一性约束(UNIQUE constraint)有关,下面将详细解释这一错误,并提供一些建议的解决...
“`sql ORA00001: unique constraint (schema_name.constraint_name) violated “` schema_name是约束所属的方案名称,constraint_name是违反的唯一约束名称。 以下是关于Oracle唯一索引报错的一些详细解释: 原因分析 1、数据重复:当插入或更新的数据在唯一索引对应的列中存在重复值时,将触发该错误。
The referenced unique or primary key constraint on the parent table or view must already be defined. 引用唯一或主键约束,必须是父表中已经定义的。 A composite foreign key cannot have more than 32 columns. 外键的组合列不能超过32列。 The child and parent tables must be on the same database. ...
Alter Table nn Add Constraint ck_emp_n2 Check(n2='男' Or n2='女') 9. dual表 dual是一个虚拟表,用来构成select的语法规则。 查看表结构: desc dual; oracle保证dual里面永远只有一条记录,查询表数据: select * from dual; Dual属于SYS schema,以PUBLIC SYNONYM的方式供其他数据库USER使用 SQL> select...
OGG-00247: Invalid query - all result columns must be named explicitly (col {0,number,0}) The process could not find the name of a column that is specified in an output parameter for SQLEXEC. Action: Check the Sybase error log to find the error that is associated with this SQLEXEC ...
Enter the text of the SQL query in SQL command. Click Browse to load the SQL query from a text file. Click Parse query to verify the syntax of the query text.Table 1: Data access mode options for the Oracle sourceOracle Source Dialog Box (Columns Page)Use the Columns page of the Orac...
SQL Server 和 ADO.NET DataSet、DataTable 和 DataView 閱讀英文 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 共用方式為 Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 列印 發行項 2024/03/08 10 位參與者 意見反應 本文內容 資料行 索引 IndexColumns 程序 顯示其他 15 個 除通用結構描述集合之外,Microsoft .NET Framework Data Provider ...