Oracle虽然说尽量避免对AUD$做truncate操作,但是根据我网上查找资料,还是可以truncate的没问题。 至于FGA_LOG$表,How to cleanup the log table FGA_LOG$ ? (Doc ID 402528.1)表明可以直接delete或者truncate没问题,如下: The FGA_LOG$tablecan be deletedfromortruncatedtomanage itsspace,forexample: SQL>connect/as...
SQL> alter table scott.emp1 no flashback archive; 将表scott.emp1从闪回归档中取消SQL> select segment_name,segment_type from dba_segments where tablespace_name='FDA';SEGMENT_NAME SEGMENT_TYPE--- ---SYS_FBA_DDL_COLMAP_75222 TABLESYS_FBA_TCRV_75222 TABLESYS_FBA_HIST_75222 TABLE PARTITIONSYS_...
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE create_and_use_temp_table AS BEGIN -- 创建会话级临时表 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table ( id NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(100) ) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS'; -- 插入数据到临时表 INSERT INTO temp_table (id, name) SELECT id, name FROM ori...
SQL_TEXT 由用户提交的 SQL 语句 SQL_BIND 由 SQL 语句使用的绑定变量(如果存在) 结论: 1. 对表的审计:可以单独对表的create,alter进行审计,如果要对drop操作进行审计需要对表加audit table(该命令包含有create table、drop table、truncate table); audit alter table (该命令包含了 alter table ). 2. 对视图...
Set this directive to a file containing PL/SQL Oracle Code like function, procedure or full package body to prevent Ora2Pg from connecting to an Oracle database and just apply his conversion tool to the content of the file. This can be used with the most of export types: TABLE, TRIGGER...
语句审计,对某种类型的SQL语句审计,不指定结构或对象。比如audit table 会审计数据库中所有的create table,drop table,truncate table语句,alter session by cmy会审计cmy用户所有的数据库连接。 3.2 Privilege: 权限审计,当用户使用了该权限则被审计,如执行grant select any table to a,当执行了audit select any ta...
update emp set sal=sal+100 where deptno in (select deptno from dept where loc='NEW YORK') 删除数据 语法: DELETE FROM 表名WHERE删除条件; 在删除语句中如果不指定删除条件的话就会删除所有的数据 Truncate table实现数据删除 比较truncat与delete实现数据删除?
Data export available from any data grid. This include Table > Data, SQL Worksheet Results and Report output. 7. Schema Copy and Compare Schema Copy Copy contents of one schema to another Drop, truncate or copy objects Log report of results ...
For inserting into a column in a table what are the byte data types? For byte data, there are three Oracle SQL types: RAW, LONG RAW and BLOB. RAW data is of limited length, is stored directly in a column, and is transmitted to the server in inline packets. LONG RAW data has a mu...
Use slash (/) at the command prompt or line number prompt in SQLcl command line. EXEC[UTE] statement Executes a single PL/SQL statement or runs a stored procedure. R[UN] Lists and executes the most recently executed SQLcl command or PL/SQL block which is stored in the SQL buffer. ...