PL/SQL中的过程和函数(通常称为子程序)是PL/SQL块的一种特殊的类型,这种类型的子程序可以以编译的形式存放在数据库中,并为后续的程序块调用。 相同点:完成特定功能的程序 不同点:是否用return语句返回值 二、函数语法 CREATE [OR REPLACE] FUNCTION <函数名> [(<参数名> [IN | OUT | IN OUT] <数据类型...
Oracle笔记 三、function、selectScott表下有这么几个常用的表,而且还带有数据。分别是emp、dept、salgrade;1、查看表结构用descdescemp;2、空表dual,最常用的空表,如:select2*4fromdual;selectsysdatefromdual;3、双引号能保持格式 如:selectsysdate “toDay 日期”fromdual;4、||字符串连接 如:select2*3||8fr...
SQL> SELECT next_day(to_date('20050620','YYYYMMDD'),1) FROM dual; NEXT_DAY(T --- 26-6月 -05 6。current_date()返回当前会话时区中的当前日期 date_value:=current_date SQL> column sessiontimezone for a15 SQL> select sessiontimezone,current_date from dual; SESSIONTIMEZONE CURRENT_DA ---...
SQL> select to_char(add_months(last_day(sysdate),-1),'yyyy-MM-dd') LastDay from dual; LASTDAY --- 2005-05-31 2。上月今天 SQL> select to_char(add_months(sysdate,-1),'yyyy-MM-dd') PreToday from dual; PRETODAY --- 2005-05-21 3.上月首天 SQL> select to_char(add_months(la...
SQL>Selectlast_day(sysdate)fromdual; LAST_DAY(S --- 30-6月-05 3。Add_months(d,n)当前日期d后推n个月 用于从一个日期值增加或减少一些月份 date_value:=add_months(date_value,number_of_months) SQL>Selectadd_months(sysdate,2)fromdual; ADD_MONTHS --- 21-8月-05 4。Months_between...
SQL> column sessiontimezone for a15 SQL> select sessiontimezone,current_date from dual; SESSIONTIMEZONE CURRENT_DA --- --- +08:00 13-11月-03 SQL> alter session set time_zone='-11:00' 2 / 会话已更改。 SQL> select sessiontimezone,current...
Oracle SQL Firewall can also block connections not coming from trusted IP addresses, operating system usernames, or program names. This function is useful when you want to put some protection in place immediately, while you create the allowlist for your applications. This feature ensures that any...
If you have more than one Oracle home on the SQL Server Distributor, ensure that the Distribution Agent is using the most recent Oracle OLE DB provider. In some cases, Oracle does not update the OLE DB provider by default when you update the client components on the SQL Server Distributor....
10. Run and Debug PL/SQL Run Procedures, Functions, and Packages DBMS_OUTPUT Function return values OUT parameters Run PL/SQL dialog Specify run target Shows parameter information Generates editable PL/SQL block for populating parameters Full functioning debugger ...
Function return values OUT parameters Run PL/SQL dialog Specify run target Shows parameter information Generates editable PL/SQL block for populating parameters Full functioning debugger Control program execution(Step into, over, ...) Inspect and modify variables ...