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SQL> create table t_objects as select * from dba_objects; 表已创建。 SQL> create index ind_obj_id on t_objects(object_id); 索引已创建。 SQL> create table t_tab as select * from dba_tables; 表已创建。 SQL> create table t_ind as select * from dba_indexes; 表已创建。 SQL> creat...
Installing the Oracle client software and OLE DB provider on the Microsoft SQL Server Distributor. Verifying that you can make a connection between SQL Server and Oracle. Creating a replication administrative user in the Oracle database. For each table that you will publish, granting SELECT ...
SELECT last_name employee, TO_CHAR(hire_date,'fmMonth DD, YYYY') hiredate FROM employees WHERE department_id = 20; With this format model, Oracle returns the hire dates (as specified by "fm") without blank padding, two digits for the day, and the century included in the year. See...
The XmlQueryProperties and XmlSaveProperties classes support the XML operation specified by the XmlCommandType property—either Query, Insert, Update, or Delete—by defining the schema and XSL transformations for the XML document. The CommandText property for a Query XML command is a SQL SELECT ...
If you'd like to follow along, use these LiveSQL scripts. Say you've got three common queries on this data:Copy code snippet Copied to Clipboard Error: Could not Copy Copied to Clipboard Error: Could not Copy select listagg(athlete,',') within group (order by athlete) from olym_medals...
When aSELECTis done in the TimesTen Client/Server driver, a set of SQLFetch operations is performed. Each time the buffer is exhausted, another set of rows is requested until all rows have been fetched and returned to the client. Previously, the maximum size of the returned buffer was hard...
3. Right-click the Configuration folder and select Add to Zip. Package the entire contents of the project beginning with the configuration project root folder so that the zip file includes all solutions. It is important to zip the entire configuration project for the entire directory structure ...
改進當使用者定義資料行名稱符合系統函式時SELECT清單中的解析邏輯 略過系統定義的資料行 (SYS_STS*) 和索引 (SYS_IL*) 修正在重新連線至 Oracle Database 之後,套件從物件樹狀結構消失的問題 修正32 位 SSMA 套件中 Azure SQL 資料庫上的 CLR 元件部署問題 ...
Materialized ViewsSSMA creates indexed views on SQL Server with some exceptions. Conversion will fail if the materialized view includes one or more of the following constructs: User-defined function Nondeterministic field / function / expression in SELECT, WHERE or GROUP BY clauses ...