1、select regexp_replace(areaname,'区','jiangsu',1,0,'i') from ssfdp_area t 语法解析: regexp_replace(1,2,3,4,5,6) 语法说明:1:字段 2:替换的字段 3:替换成什么 4:起始位置(默认从1开始) 5:替换的次数(0是无限次) 6:不区分大小写 【补充:】用regexp_replace来判断Oracle中的某列为数...
就可以实现非贪婪或最小匹配*/selectregexp_replace(json,'(\{"advantage\S*?unitName":")|(","unitRemark\S*?\})|\[|\]','')fromtb/*结果:XX公司,YY公司*/ 使用例子4(替换字符串中的日期): select'测试 (2022-09-01)', regexp_replace('测试 (2022-09-01)','(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}...
就可以实现非贪婪或最小匹配*/selectregexp_replace(json,'(\{"advantage\S*?unitName":")|(","unitRemark\S*?\})|\[|\]','')fromtb/*结果:XX公司,YY公司*/ 使用例子4(替换字符串中的日期): select'测试 (2022-09-01)', regexp_replace('测试 (2022-09-01)','(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}...
REGEXP_REPLACE ( source_string, search_pattern [, replacement_string [, star_position [, nth_occurrence [, match_parameter ] ] ] ] )Code language:SQL (Structured Query Language)(sql) Arguments TheREGEXP_REPLACE()function takes 6 arguments: ...
默认情况下,SQL Server不区分大小写,如果数据表TEST的TNAME列中有数据“abcd”和“Abcd”, 如果使用...
Using REGEXP_REPLACE A custom function Perhaps the most widely accepted way is to use nested REPLACE statements. For example, consider this string: “My first name is (x), my last name is (y), and I’m from (z).” If you wanted to replace the (x), (y), and (z) values, you...
Oracle Database SQL Functions for Regular Expressions The database provides a set of SQL functions that allow you to search and manipulate strings using regular expressions. You can use these functions on any datatype that holds character data such as CHAR, NCHAR, CLOB, NCLOB, NVARCHAR2, and ...
replace string) (string, error) { reg, err := regexp.Compile(rule) if reg == nil...
干货分享丨高效SQL语句编写-Oracle Code 2019中云和恩墨CTO杨廷琨的分享,导读:OracleCode2019开发者大会于4月16日在深圳举行,这是甲骨文公司在中国举办的第三届OracleCode开发者大会。大会主要面向IT架构师和
''||arg2||''')) * 65536 + to_number(regexp_replace(ip, '''||r||''', '''||arg3||''')) * 256 + to_number(regexp_replace(ip, '''||r||''', '''||arg4||''')) as ip_number from (select '''||ips||''' as ip from dual)'into rtn;returnrtn;END;/\setSQL...