6.小结 通过使用Oracle提供的各种SQL连接功能可以解决诸多的“疑难杂症”,需灵活掌握。
们知道,从Oracle9i开始,对于外连接(Outer join)Oracle支持SQL92标准:这个标准有很多新的连接语法,当然不仅是外连接了,这里,我主要讨论的是外连接的新语法:Left Outer Join和Right Outer Join,Full Outer Join这里不会讨论,我会额外总结所有的SQL92新的连接语法。对于接触Oracle比较早的开发人员或DBA来说,外连接用+号...
database required. */{char oracleid = '/';EXEC SQL CONNECT :oracleid;}printf("\nConnected to the database as user: %s\n", username);/* ESQL-CONV-MSG:(WHENEVER) Oracle supports additional directives. */EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR GOTO declareerror;/* Declare the cursor. All static SQL...
sqlouterjoin 当两表用内连接来查询的时候,将会有你需要的孤立行不能被显示在返回结果中时,应该用OUTERJOIN。OUTERJOIN分为三种,分别是 LEFTOUTERJOIN(左表中被孤立的行,会被显示在结果中) , RIGHTOUTERJOIN(右表中被孤立的行,会被显示在结果中). F... ...
sqlouterjoin 当两表用内连接来查询的时候,将会有你需要的孤立行不能被显示在返回结果中时,应该用OUTERJOIN。OUTERJOIN分为三种,分别是 LEFTOUTERJOIN(左表中被孤立的行,会被显示在结果中) , RIGHTOUTERJOIN(右表中被孤立的行,会被显示在结果中). F... ...
To get rows for employees with no projects, you can use outer-join syntax: SELECT e.*, p.* FROM employees e, TABLE(e.projects)(+) p; The (+) indicates that the dependent join between employees and e.projects should be NULL-augmented. That is, there will be rows of employees in ...
This SQL query performs a right outer join between the emp_mast (employee master) table and the dep_mast (department master) table using the Oracle proprietary syntax for outer joins. It selects the employee number, employee name, job name, department name, and location. ...
Fromemp eLEFTOUTERJOINemp1 e1 ONe.empno = e1.empno Connectbypriore1.mgr = e.deptno; When SSMA tries to convert the above code, it generates following error:“Error O2SS0268” To resolve the above issue, rewrite the SQL code by using recur...
一个有趣的扩展是我们能够通过 ANSI 窗口函数和 ANSI 分区外连接的 PARTITION BY 以及 SQL MODEL 子句的 DIMENSION BY 子句push Filter Predicate。Oracle独有的另一种技术是在评估聚合之前通过窗口函数的聚合push谓词。例如下面的语句: Q7SELECTacct-id,time,ravgFROM(SELECTacct-id,time,AVG(balance)OVER(PBYacc-...
If you don't use the --plsql command line parameter it simply dump Oracle user type asis else Ora2Pg will try to convert it to PostgreSQL syntax. The KETTLE export type requires that the Oracle and PostgreSQL DNS are defined. Since Ora2Pg v8.1 there's three new export types: SHOW_...