sql SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE UPPER(column1) = 'ABC'; 三、使用DECODE函数进行字符串比较 Oracle的DECODE函数也可以用来比较字符串并根据比较结果返回相应的值。例如: sql SELECT DECODE(column1, 'your_string', 'They are equal', 'Not equal') AS Result FROM your_table; 在这个例子中,如果colum...
如果使用BITMAP INDEX,则会使用索引。然而,BITMAP索引有其他限制,它取决于您的应用程序和数据是否有用...
1-17 Chapter 1 OGG-00126: Object {0,number,0}: Attribute {1,number,0}: String does not contain a value An attribute value was sent by the VAM module as a null-terminated string, but the null-terminated string has a length of zero instead of a value (required). Action: Contact ...
void setTypedValue(String) void setTypedValue(Boolean) void setTypedValue(boolean) void setTypedValue(JmlBoolean) The equals() method tests whether the value property is equal to the specified Java boolean value. boolean equals(boolean)
Unlike theCommandobject in the other .NET Framework data providers (SQL Server, OLE DB, and ODBC), theOracleCommandobject does not support aCommandTimeoutproperty. Setting a command timeout has no effect and the value returned is always zero. ...
You can use theSQLQueryTimeoutMsecconnection attribute to specify the time limit in milliseconds within which the database should execute SQL statements. The value ofSQLQueryTimeoutMseccan be any integer equal to or greater than 0. The default value is0. A value of0indicates that the query ...
SQL>comment on column 表.列 is '列诠释'; 诠释已成立。 SQL> select * from user_tab_comments where comments is not null; 42. 怎样审查各个表空间占用磁盘景遇? SQL> col tablespace format a20 SQL> select b.file_id 文件ID号, b.tablespace_name 表空间名, ...
All Oracle Net naming methods that do not require using ORACLE_HOME (to locate configuration files such as tnsnames.ora or sqlnet.ora) work in the Instant Client mode. For C and C++ -based applications the connect string can be specified in the following formats: ...
(); builder =newStringBuilder(" from ") .append(resolveTables(beanMeta.getTableSnippet(), searchParam, searchSql)); String joinCond = beanMeta.getJoinCond();booleanhasJoinCond = StringUtils.isNotBlank(joinCond); List<FieldParam> fieldParamList = searchParam.getFieldParams();if(hasJoinCond |...
Oracle automatically converts some datatypes to other datatypes, depending on the SQL syntax in which the value occurs. When you assign a character value to a numeric datatype, Oracle performs an implicit conversion of the ASCII value represented by the character string into a number. For instanc...