Oracle9i SQL Reference for details about the SET TRANSACTION and ALTER SESSION statements.The settings for these parameters should be changed only when an instance is shut down. If multiple instances are accessing a single database, then all instances should use the same setting for these parameters...
正确设置open_cursors和'session_cached_cursors' 可以减少sql解析,提高系统性能,那么,如何正确设置'session_cached_cursors' 这个参数呢?我们可以把握下面的原则: 1、'session_cached_cursors' 数量要小于open_cursor 2、要考虑共享池的大小 使用下面的sql判断'session_cached_cursors' 的使用情况。如果使用率为100%则...
Is there a way to use multiple sql statements with JDBC step while using Oracle database? I can have multiple inserts, updates etc. in one test step while working with Postgres, but with oracle I get ORA-00933 error. Is there a workaround so I don't have to make loads of sep...
1、编程能力: PLSQL是一种程序化语言,支持变量、条件语句和循环,而SQL主要用于数据查询和更新。2、...
12.2DDL Statements that Use DBLINKS On logical standby databases, avoid using SQL statements such asCREATE TABLEtablenameAS SELECT * FROM bar@dblinkas they may fail. When a statement is executed on the logical standby database, it will access the database link at that time. It is not possi...
Make sure the Oracle client software on the server that is running Microsoft SQL Server is at the level required by the provider. The Oracle Provider for OLE DB ( requires Oracle Client Create an alias name on the server that is running SQL Server that points to an ...
language used to access databases. Depending on the programming environment, a developer might enter SQL directly—for example, to generate reports. It’s also possible to embed SQL statements into code written in another programming language or use a language-specific API that hides the SQL ...
SELECT * FROM suppliers WHERE UPPER(supplier_name) LIKE UPPER('test%') These SELECT statements use a combination of theOracle UPPER functionand the LIKE condition to return all of the records where thesupplier_namefield contains the word "test", regardless of whether it was stored as TEST, ...
This limitation does not exist for PL/SQL statements. This may be used as a work around in many cases by wrapping the SQL in PL/SQL. For example a Java string insert into blob_tab (blob_col) values (?) The Oracle specific method setBytesForBlob may be used as an alternate work...
从Oracle 10.2开始,若Version Count大于200,则Executions和 "Elap per Exec(s)"列不再自动收集,因为会引起性能问题,可以参考Why "Executions" and "Elap per Exec(s)" are 'Blank' in AWR for Some SQL Statements (Doc ID 1522547.1)。 参考: