DELETEFROMsales;Code language:SQL (Structured Query Language)(sql) And we got 625 rows deleted. D) Oracle DELETE – delete cascade In practice, you often delete a row from a table that has a foreign key relationship with rows from other tables. ...
Besides theONclause, it is possible to use theUSINGclause to specify which columns to test for equality when joining tables. The following illustrates the syntax of theINNER JOINwith theUSINGclause. SELECT*FROMT1INNERJOINT2USING( c1, c2, ... );Code language:SQL (Structured Query Language)(s...
This section contains thecreate,insertand PL/SQL code to run the examples fromChapter 6, “Sorting and Grouping”in an Oracle 11gR2 database. Indexed Order By SELECT sale_date, product_id, quantity FROM sales WHEREsale_date >= TRUNC(sysdate) - INTERVAL '1' DAYORDER BY product_id Gathering...
The next statement will, as of release 11g, automatically collect the extended statistics for the function-based index. BEGIN DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS(null, 'EMPLOYEES', METHOD_OPT=>'for all indexed columns', CASCADE => true); END; / User-Defined Functions Define a PL/SQL function tha...
-Dr. Paul Dorsey, President, Dulcian, Inc., Oracle Magazine PL/SQL Developer of the Year 2007, and President Emeritus, New York Oracle Users Group "This is a fascinating guide into the world of Oracle SQL with an abundance of well-collected examples. Without a doubt, this book is helpful...
In practice, static SQL will meet nearly all your programming needs. Use dynamic SQL only if you need its open-ended flexibility. Its use is suggested when one or more of the following items is unknown at precompile time: Requirements for Dynamic SQL Statements ...
Oracle SQL supports date arithmetic in which integers represent days and fractions represent the fractional component represented by hours, minutes, and seconds. For example, adding .5 to a date value results in a date and time combination 12 hours later than the initial value. Some examples of...
This integrated learning solution teaches all the Oracle PL/SQL skills you need, hands-on, through real-world labs, extensive examples, exercises, and projects! Completely updated for Oracle 11g, Oracle PL/SQL by Example, Fourth Edition covers all the fundamentals, from PL/SQL syntax and program...
PL/SQL uses two types of cursors:implicitandexplicit. PL/SQL declares a cursor implicitly for all SQL data manipulation statements, including queries that return only one row. However, for queries that return more than one row, you must declare an explicit cursor, use a cursorFORloop, or use...
SQL Macros - Creating parameterised views This tutorial explains how to create a parameterized view using SQL Macros. The examples use the built-in sales history schema so there are no setup s... Tutorial How to Find Gaps in Dates with SQL Pattern Matching ...