However, if the first copy of the file found by the EXE is a 32-bit copy of the DLL, then SQL Developer will fail to start. You can fix this by copying a 64-bit version of the DLL into the BIN directory or updating your OS PATH such that a 64 bit copy of the DLL is found ...
SQL Developer 24.3.1 Version - December 16, 2024 Release Notes Documentation Forum Support Oracle Free Use License Oracle SQLclPlatform Download Notes SQL Developer Extension for VSCode Download Requires VS Code version 1.82.0 or higher Available for Win64, OSX (intel/arm), Linux...
Oracle SQL Developer Welcome to Oracle SQL Developer. Oracle SQL Developer is a free graphical tool that enhances productivity and simplifies database development tasks. With SQL Developer, you can browse database objects, run SQL statements and SQL scripts, edit and debug PL/SQL statements, ...
Oracle SQL Developer is a free graphical tool that enhances productivity and simplifies database development tasks. With SQL Developer, you can browse database objects, run SQL statements and SQL scripts, edit and debug PL/SQL statements, manipulate and export data, and view and create reports. ...
select * from v$version;或者 在pl/sql developer 里查看【Reports】——>【DBA】——>【NLS Database Parameters】下的 NLS_RDMBS_VERSION即可。
PL/SQL Release11. CORE11. TNSfor64-bitWindows: Version11. NLSRTL Version11. SQL> --END-- 2019-11-29 12:34
1.直接进入oracle官网,或直接搜索sql developer进入到Overview页面 2.点击overView里边的download 3.可以点击Previous Version 来进行查看之前版本,点击到对应版本后可以看到当前版本对应得jdk版本需要
1、在安装完Oracle Database 11g Release 2数据库,想试一下Oracle自带的SQL Developer工具,在操作系统菜单的所有程序中找到SQL Developer如下所示,并单击:结果却提示缺少快捷方式,没找到“SQLDEVELOPER.BAT”,如下所示:在Oracle的安装目录D:DataBaseInstallOralce_11g_r2product11.2.0dbhome_1sqldevelopersqldeveloper...
SQL Developer是一款由Oracle推出的Oracle 数据库开发工具(集成开发环境),软件免费、安全、可视化,是非常不错的数据库开发环境,支持用户通过Linux、windows或者Mac系统进行使用,不过小编带来的是windows版本,只能够在windows上进行使用。 SQL Developer简化了传统部署和云部署中Oracle数据库的开发和管理,图形化的界面更不用... 在下载页面,连续点击下面的Previous Version寻找