ORA-00904错误是Oracle数据库中的一个常见错误,具体表示“invalid identifier”(无效的标识符)。这个错误通常发生在SQL语句中引用了一个不存在的列名、表名、别名或其他数据库对象时。以下是对该错误的详细解释和解决方法: 一、ORA-00904错误的含义 ORA-00904错误表明在SQL语句中使用了Oracle无法识别的标识符。这通常...
如何从有效的包中获取"ORA-00904::invalid identifier“? 、、 我有一个有效的过程,其中包含一条insert..select语句。现在,在执行此过程时,会从该语句中生成"ORA-00904::invalid identifier“错误。这在理论上怎么可能呢?没有触发器或动态SQL。edit2: 事实证明, ...
I am trying to run this sql in Oracle SQL developer and I get the error of ORA-00904: "I"."SZ": invalid identifier00904.00000-"%s: invalid identifier"*Cause:*Action: ErroratLine:13Column:122 I am not sure what the issue is. A friend of mine was able to run this sql he sent me...
SQL> SELECT ts.nb_cinema + ts.nb_serie + ts.nb_children + ts.nb_entertainment 2 FROM Customer c 3 JOIN Type_Subscription ts ON c.type_subscription = ts.ID; JOIN Type_Subscription ts ON c.type_subscription = ts.ID * ERROR at line 3: ORA-00904: "TS"."ID": inv...
近期,某客户遇到12C环境的软件升级时,编译存储过程报错:ORA-00904: "DECL_OBJ#": invalid identifier。经查询MOS文档ORA-00604 Error Occurs at Recursive SQL level While Creating Package/Procedure using SQL Developer on Upgraded 12c Database (Doc ID 2476156.1)与分析实际情况,问题为安装了12C的DBRU后,未应...
Oracle报错ORA-00904: 标识符无效一般情况一般情况下,标识符错误是因为:语句中的列名在表中不存在,修改sql语句或者修改列名即可。... ) 但是如果建表语句写成了: create table student( "id" int, "name" varchar2(100...
ORA-00904: "END_BY_DAY": invalid identifier 00000-“%s:无效标识符”*原因:*操作:第19行第1列出现错误 我到底从哪里得到的错误还不清楚 预期结果集 START_BY_YEAR END_BY_YEAR START_BY_MONTH END_BY_MONTH START_BY_DAY END_BY_DAY 2012 2012 12.2012 12.2012 01.12.2020 02.12.2020 ...
Oracle Export,Sql Insert,pl/sql developer 第一种是导出为.dmp的文件格式,.dmp文件是二进制的,可以跨平台,还能包含权限,效率也很不错,用得最广 第二种是导出为.sql文件的,可用文本编辑器查看,通用性比较好,但效率不如第一种,适合小数据量导入导出。尤其注意的是表中不能有大字段(blob,clob),如果有,会提...
title="image.png">表里面有对应的字段但是在使用hibernate保存对象时就报错了Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "PAY_TYPE_CODE": invalid identifier求助大佬们!!! https://segmentfault.com/q/1010000042845895 2022-11-18T09:39:00+08:00 2022-11-18T09:39:00+08:00 ...
In the last example, when the identifiersalaryis used in the cursor declaration, it refers to the formal parameter. But, when it is used in theOPENstatement, it refers to the PL/SQL variable. To avoid confusion, use unique identifiers. ...