Mac OS X Installation Notes This download does not include the Oracle JDK. SQL Developer supports either Oracle JDK 8 or 11. To install and run: Ensure you have a JDK installed, if not, download here (For 64-bit Intel Macs, download Java for Mac OS X 10.5, Update 1. For the latest...
Windows Installation Notes There are two downloads available for Windows users. Windows 64-bit with JDK 8 Included: This archive includes both SQL Developer and an embedded copy of the Java 8 Development Kit (JDK). Simply extract the zip to a fresh directory and run the sqldeveloper.exe in...
Unzipping the SQL Developer kit causes a folder namedsqldeveloperto be created under the<sqldeveloper_install>folder. For example, if you unzip the kit intoC:\, the folderC:\sqldeveloperis created, along with several subfolders under it. To start SQL Developer, go to<sqldeveloper_install>\sq...
このマニュアルでは、SQL Developerをダウンロードし、それを独立したツールとして実行することを前提としています。 Oracle JDK 8にサポートされているオペレーティング・システムのバージョンの詳細は、を参照してくだ...
Type the full pathname of a J2SE installation (or Ctrl-c to quit), the path will be stored in ~/.sqldeveloper/jdk 会提示输入要jdk路径,/opt/oracle/jdk1.6.0_18 安装jdk参考下面 二、安装jdk 因为下载的sqldeveloper 不含JDK所以要单独下载,我下载的版本是 jre-6u18-linux-i586.bin for linux ...
Linux下的可视化界面的oracle 工具 一Oracle SQL Developer 2.1 选择for linux 版本下载1安装sqldeveloper,rpm Uhv sqldeveloper2.
2, PL / SQLDeveloperInstallation 1. Download and install License your search, many RI Note: Do not install in the default C: \ Program Files (x86) directory, otherwise it will error because can not resolve this with () the path ...
(其它的也可以设置,像system,sys先解锁,然后设定密码,再确认。一般这两个密码用test) 然后,退出就行了 接下来就是安装PL/SQL.Developer 我安装的版本是PL.SQL.Developer.v7.1.5.1400.zip解压setup.exe 我同意 选择安装路径 Next Next Finish 出现上面的successfully说明安装成功! Close... Other Platforms Installation Notes, JDK 8 or above required 326 MB常用的版本放在这里。 需要注册一个oracle otn.../otn/java/sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper-