RPM for Linux Installation Notes This download does not include the JDK. SQL Developer supports Oracle JDK 17. To install and run Ensure you have a JDK installed, if not, download here rpm -Uhv sqldeveloper-(build number)-1.noarch.rpm (install the package) cd sqldeveloper (go to sqlde...
RPM for Linux Installation Notes This download does not include the JDK. SQL Developer supports Oracle JDK 17. To install and run Ensure you have a JDK installed, if not, download here rpm -Uhv sqldeveloper-(build number)-1.noarch.rpm (install the package) cd sqldeveloper (go to sqlde...
http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/sql/index.html 1、安装sqldeveloper, rpm -Uhv sqldeveloper-, 安装完成后软件在/opt/sqldeveloper, 虽然在程序菜单中有sql-developer的图标,但单击并不能启动,估计 是没有配置jdk的路径。所以,只能用命令行启动。 # cd /opt/sq...
Linux下的可视化界面的oracle 工具 一Oracle SQL Developer 2.1 选择for linux 版本下载1安装sqldeveloper,rpm Uhv sqldeveloper2.
Linux 安装 Oracle SQL Developer 版本: sqldeveloper- 安装目录~/.software/sqldeveloper 进入安装目录 cd ~/.software/sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper/bin/ 给所有的 sh 执行权限 chmoda+x *.sh 给sqldeveloper 执行权限 chmoda+x sqldeveloper ...
Linux 安装 Oracle SQL Developer 版本: sqldeveloper- 安装目录~/.software/sqldeveloper 进入安装目录 cd ~/.software/sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper/bin/ 给所有的 sh 执行权限 chmoda+x *.sh 给sqldeveloper 执行权限 chmoda+x sqldeveloper ...
机器A(windows) ——机器B(Linux)——机器C(数据库服务器,Linux,只向B开放1521端口) 二、解决方案 通过Linux版本的SQL Developer解决。安装软件如下: 三、主要安装步骤 1机器B安装sql developer rpm -ivhsqldeveloper- 2机器B安装jdk,解压jdk安装包 ...
Java powered application for Windows, OS X, and Linux with + 5 Million users. Full featured PL/SQL IDE Database administration Complete Data Modeling Solution 3rd party DBMS migrations to Oracle Migrate Oracle On-Premises to Oracle Cloud - Download SQL Developer - SQL Developer—Get Started ...
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/sql-developer/downloads/index.html 需要注册一个oracle otn的账号,注册一个有备无患,貌似下载jdk也需要。 SQL Developer 17.2 Version, Updated July 11, 2017 Release Notes, Bugs Fixed, Documentation ...
机器A(windows) ——机器B(Linux)——机器C(数据库服务器,Linux,只向B开放1521端口) 二、解决方案 通过Linux版本的SQL Developer解决。安装软件如下: 三、主要安装步骤 1机器B安装sql developer rpm -ivhsqldeveloper- 2机器B安装jdk,解压jdk安装包 ...