TO_NUMBER(string) 2、参数说明 string:要转换的字符型数据。 3、示例 假设我们有一个表test,其中有一列名为char_num,存储的是字符型数字,如下所示: char_num ‘123’ ‘456.78’ ‘9.10’ 我们可以使用TO_NUMBER函数将其转换为数值型数据,如下所示: SELECT TO_NUMBER(char_num) FROM test; 执行上述SQL语句...
TO_NUMBER lets you convert a string (VARCHAR2, CHAR, etc) to a NUMBER type. TO_NUMBER(value) The TO_NUMBER function is quite simple. It has one parameter – the value to convert. It accepts one of the string types, and returns a NUMBER data type. For example: TO_NUMBER('150') T...
Converts a numeric value into a character-based representation of that value. Parameters n Specifies a numeric value to convert. fmt Specifies a number format specification made up of the elements shown inTable 5-5. nlsparams Specifies a character string made up of one or more of the followin...
--to_number(expr) --to_number(expr,format) --to_number(expr,format,'nls-param') select to_number('0123')number1, --converts a string to number trunc(to_number('0123.123'),2) number2, to_number('120.11','999.99') number3, to_number('0a','xx') number4, --converts a hex nu...
SQL> select TO_NUMBER(123.56,'999.9') from dual; select TO_NUMBER(123.56,'999.9') from dual * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01722: invalid number SQL> select TO_CHAR(123.56,'999.9') from dual; TO_CHA --- 123.6 SQL> 我很难理解Oracle SQL的细微差别。例如,查看上面的两个查询。为 浏览...
使用位置:过程性语句和SQL语句。 select INITCAP('luo,jia,you')from dual; select INITCAP('luo jia you')from dual; LTRIM 语法:LTRIM(string1,string2) 功能:从string1中删除从string1左边算起出现在string2中的字符,然后返回删除后string1还剩下的字符。String2被缺省设置为单个的空格。数据库将扫描string1...
一. oracle 删除主键约束_SQL基础知识:约束(实例) 给大家介绍SQL中六种工作中经常使用到的约束,供大家参考! 1. NOT NULL约束 NOT NULL 约束...
1、Converts a string to the NUMBER data type(将字串转换为数字资料型别)TO_NUMBER(<value>[, <format>, <NLS parameter>]) RETURN NUMBER select to_number('00001228') from dual;2、Converts a HEX number to FLOAT(转换一个十六进位制数的浮标)TO_NUMBER(<value>, <format>);SELECT...
Select convert('搴旇鏄彲浠ョ殑', 'ZHS16GBK', 'UTF8') From dual