1. 准备脚本 call.sql 如果只需要单纯的导出 excel或 csv ,可以 PL/SQL 中进行查询导出再另存为。这里只是尝试一下 sqlplus 功能。 具体语法可参考https://www.cnblogs.com/hzj680539/p/4212271.html setechooffsettermoffsetline1000pages0setfeedbackoffsetheadingoffsettrimspoolonspool D:\ldr_object.csv--执行...
预写式日志(Write-Ahead Logging (WAL))缺省时在事务日志中每隔一段时间放一个检查点.(要调整这个原子化的检查点间隔, 你可以参考运行时 选项CHECKPOINT_SEGMENTS和CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT.)CHECKPOINT强迫在命令声明时立即进行检查, 而不是等到下一次调度时的检查点. 检查点是一个事务日志训练中的点,在该点,所有数据文...
Getting started guides, documentation, tutorials, architectures, and more content for Oracle products and services.
如果在 xmloutput 开关后未提供 filepath,则 xmlout 将显示在控制台上。 语法示例: C:\>SSMAforOracleConsole.EXE -s "C:\ Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle\Sample Console Scripts \ConversionAndDataMigrationSample.xml" -xmloutput ...
-M | --mssql : Export a Microsoft SQL Server database. -n | --namespace schema : Set the Oracle schema to extract from. -N | --pg_schema schema : Set PostgreSQL's search_path. -o | --out file : Set the path to the output file where SQL will be written. Default: output....
Java can help reduce costs, drive innovation, & improve application services; the #1 programming language for IoT, enterprise architecture, and cloud computing.
1.3 Starting and Leaving SQLcl Use the following commands to log in to and out of SQLcl. SQLCL [[option] [logon | / NOLOG] [start]] where option has the following syntax: -H[ELP] | -V[ERSION] | [ [-C[OMPATIBILITY] x.y[.z]]] [-L[OGON]] [-NOLOGINTIME] [-R[ESTRICT...
sqlterminator tab underline xmloptimizationcheck Starting and Leaving SQLcl Use the following commands to log in to and out of SQLcl. SQLCL [[option] [logon| / NOLOG] [start]] whereoptionhas the following syntax: -H[ELP] | -V[ERSION] | [ [-C[OMPATIBILITY]x.y[.z]]] [-L[OGON...
SQL> alter tablespace users begin backup;---设置进入备份状态 取消联机备份 SQL> alter tablespace users end backup;---取消联机备份 查看归档日志 SQL> select * from v$archived_log;---查看归档日志 SQL> show parameter spfile---查看当前系统启动的SPFILE NAME TYPE VALUE --- --- --- spfile string...
sql clone "alter system set log_archive_dest_2 = ''service=TNS_DGPRI async lgwr register valid_for=(online_logfile,primary_role) db_unique_name=TESTDG'' comment= ''' scope=spfile"; sql clone "alter system set standby_file_management = ''AUTO'' comment= ''' scope=spfile"; sql clone...