比较好的博客有How To Resolve ORA-00933 SQL Command Not Properly Ended 可以说这个问题产生的原因五花八门 我的问题也很奇怪,我使用Navicat直连数据库,并执行语句进行测试,测试通过 deletefromd1whereIDin('...'); 执行结果 > Affected rows: 0 >...
OCT Oracle command type 指Oracle中命令分类的类型 可以通过 V$SQL.COMMAND_TYPE获得对应关系 SQL>selectcommand_type,command_namefromV$SQLCOMMANDwherecommand_typein(2,3,6,42,44,47); COMMAND_TYPE COMMAND_NAME--- ---2INSERT3SELECT6UPDATE42ALTERSESSION44COMMIT47PL/SQLEXECUTE6rows selected....
CREATE USER "58USER" IDENTIFIED BY "123456"--指定口令 DEFAULT TABLESPACE "58SPACE"--分配永久表空间 TEMPORARY TABLESPACE "58TMPSPACE"--分配临时表空间 QUOTA UNLIMITED ON "58SPACE";--分配使用表空间的权限 --SQL COMMAND --用户从客户端登录数据库 CONN58USER/123456@MYDB; CONNsystem/system@MYDB; ...
ORA 00933: SQL command not properly ended 1. 这令我百思不得其解,后来通过测试发现:把最后的分号去掉就可以了,即变成: delete from d1 where ID in (select d1.ID from d1 join d2 on d1.d2ID = d2.ID where = '...') ...
sqlalchemy.exc.DatabaseError: (cx_Oracle.DatabaseError) ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended 这个错误其实很常见, 就是命令没敲完... 也有其他人遇到这样的问题 实际上我的命令是敲完的. 直接把这个SQL拿到sqlplus里面执行是可以的. 原因: 就...
Command-Line Quick Reference Release 19.1 F17301-01 April 2019 Alphabetic List of SQLcl Commands @{url|file_name[.ext]} [arg...] @@{url|file_name[.ext] } [arg...] / (slash) ACC[EPT]variable[NUM[BER] |CHAR| DATE | BINARY_FLOAT | BINARY_DOUBLE] [FOR[MAT]format] [DEF[AULT]de...
Executes the most recently executed SQL command or PL/SQL block which is stored in the SQL buffer. Does not list the command. Use slash (/) at the command prompt or line number prompt in SQLcl command line. EXEC[UTE] statement Executes a single PL/SQL statement or runs a stored procedu...
表示针对数据库执行的 SQL 语句或存储过程。 此类不能被继承。C# 复制 [System.Obsolete("OracleCommand has been deprecated.", false)] public sealed class OracleCommand : System.Data.Common.DbCommand, ICloneable继承 Object MarshalByRefObject Component Db...
SQL Commands by Task One of the most frustrating and time-consuming aspects of database administration, particularly for the novice DBA, is finding the proper command to accomplish a particular task. In Table 13.1, we have listed most common database administration tasks along with the SQL ...