我们想要将姓名、成绩和等级合并为一行数据,可以使用以下SQL语句: SELECT name, CASE grade WHEN 'A' THEN score || ', A' WHEN 'B' THEN score || ', B' WHEN 'C' THEN score || ', C' END AS result FROM student_table; 执行结果: 列转行(COLUMNS TO ROWS) 列转行是指将一列数据拆分为多行...
v_i:=v_i+1;selectexistsnode(v_name_xml,'/PivotSet/item['||to_char(v_i)||']/column[1]')intov_existsnodefromdual; endloop; v_sql:=trim(','fromv_sql)||')x'; commit; selectcount(1)intov_countfromuser_tab_columnswheretable_name=upper(pi_create_table); ifv_count=0then execute...
select'create or replace view as select '|| wm_concat(column_name) || ' from APP_USER'sqlStr fromuser_tab_columns wheretable_name ='APP_USER'; 利用系统表方式查询 SQL Code 1 select*fromuser_tab_columns Oracle 11g 行列互换 pivot 和 unpivot 说明 在Oracle 11g中,Oracle 又增加了2个查询:pi...
v_i:=v_i+1;selectexistsnode(v_name_xml,'/PivotSet/item['||to_char(v_i)||']/column[1]')intov_existsnodefromdual; endloop; v_sql:=trim(','fromv_sql)||')x'; commit; selectcount(1)intov_countfromuser_tab_columnswheretable_name=upper(pi_create_table); ifv_count=0then execute...
Oracle SQL - pivoting one row of several columns into one column of several rows Oracle Tips by Burleson Consulting There are many ways to use Oracle to pivot column data for display on a single row: 0 - Download SQL into Excel spreadsheet pivot table ...
其实原理很简单,就是通过动态sql,去把你不愿意写,或者说是不确定的转换列数,通过查询查出来,拼接进去,然后执行拼接后的sql,创建视图。 三、存储过程 create or replace procedure p_RowsToCols(as_sql in varchar2 --源数据的查询sql ,as_sql_cols in varchar2 --动态转换列的查询sql,要求转为列的那列,字...
The unpivot_clause rotatescolumns into rows. (1)The INCLUDE | EXCLUDE NULLS clausegives you the option of including or excluding null-valued rows. INCLUDE NULLS causesthe unpivot operation to include null-valued rows; EXCLUDE NULLS eliminatesnull-values rows from the return set. If you omit this...
Oracle SQL - pivoting one row of several columns into one column of several rows Oracle Tips by Burleson Consulting There are many ways to use Oracle to pivot column data for display on a single row: 0 - Download SQL into Excel spreadsheet pivot table ...
1 rows So what do the extraconnect byclauses do? prior csv = csvensures the query only creates new rows linked to the original prior sys_guid () is not nulladds a unique bit of data to each row. This prevents cycles because Oracle Database uses all the columns withprioroperators in ...
项目设置(转换)(OracleToSQL) “项目设置”对话框的“转换”页面包含一些设置,用来自定义 SSMA 如何将 Oracle 语法转换为 SQL Server 语法。 “项目设置”和“默认项目设置”对话框中提供了“转换”窗格: 要指定用于所有 SSMA 项目的设置,请在“工具”菜单上单击“默认项目设置”,从“迁移目标版本”下拉列...