您输入的密码无效:Enter value for 1: 123456。无论出于何种原因,Oracle密码都遵循与对象名称类似的规...
SP2-0606: Cannot create SPOOL file "/`hostname`/scripts/logs/file.txt" But the following works: SQL> spool /myserver/scripts/logs/file.txt I verified no problem of space or writing permission. It's only a problem of /`hostname`/. Any help to be able to use /`hostname`/ ? Thanks...
https://www.modb.pro/issue/568 主要是生成报告目录无权限。 awr报告生成时,是以进入sqlplus 的命令的目录为当前目录的。 可以在sql>提示符下面输入:!pwd,查看进入的目录,如果需要切换,需要退出sqlplus,切换目录后,再次进入即可。 需要在oracle有读写权限的目录下,执行sqlplus /nolog ---正 文已结束, 感谢您的...
手工SPOOL设定目录是可以导出这个ASH报告的,就是使用ORACLE提供的脚本不行。(Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release WIN10 x64专业版),应该是导出报告的目录写权限的问题,但是我又不知道怎么调整这个默认脚本报告导出的目录,AWR报表是默认目录是用户目录下的文档,就是这个ASH报告不行,希望大佬...
SP2-0606: Cannot create SPOOL file "c:oraclehr_spool.lst" DROP USER hr CASCADE * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01918: user 'HR' does not exist User created. User altered. User altered. 。。。略略 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9....
SP2-0137: DEFINE requires a value following equal sign 20_Nov_2014_0504 .log woo_ Enter value for log_path: /home/oracle/diag/ SP2-0606: Cannot create SPOOL file \"/home/oracle/woo_upgrade_diag.log/db_upg_diag_woo_20_Nov_2014_0504.log\" ...
SP2-0606: SPOOLファイル「cr_vcrypt_config.lis」を作成できません SP2-0606: SPOOLファイル「cr_v_ans_hint.lis」を作成できません SP2-0606: SPOOLファイル「cr_v_b_locale.lis」を作成できません SP2-0606: SPOOLファイル「oaam_db_patch_oracle_10_1_4_5_01.log」を作成できません ...
16.4.2 SP2-0606エラーSP2-0606エラーが次の文脈でログ・ファイルに記録されている場合は、無視してかまいません。ERROR at line 1: ORA-04043: object OID_METRIC_TYPE does not exist Type created. Type created. Package created. Package body created. SP2-0606: Cannot create SPOOL file "...
SP2-0606: Cannot create STORE file"role_setup_set.txt" PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Role setup script complete Grant this role to each user assigned tothe Extract, GGSCI, and Manager processes, by using the following SQL command: ...
/home/oracle/diag/ SP2-0606: Cannot create SPOOL file \"/home/oracle/woo_upgrade_diag.log/db_upg_diag_woo_20_Nov_2014_0504.log\" *** Start of LogFile *** Oracle Database Upgrade Diagnostic Utility 11-20-2014 05:05:16 === Hostname === db01 === Database Name === WOO === ...