Utilize a complete, enterprise gradeCRM solution, capable of extreme scale and performance for even the most complex organizations. Oracle Siebel CRM has unrivalled customization and integration capabilities, an open architecture for a truly personalized user experience, and can be deployed either on-pre...
Oracle Siebel CRM-Anwendungen adressieren die komplexesten Geschäftsprozesse für eine breite Palette von Branchen – Vertrieb, Marketing und Kundenservice.
要允许从 Siebel 服务器到 Siebel 网关名称服务器的流量,请执行以下操作: 有状态入站:Source Type = CIDR, Source CIDR = <CIDR block of Siebel application subnet>, IP Protocol = TCP, Source Port Range = All, Destination port range = 2320 要允许从 Siebel Web ...
如果您要在Oracle Cloud Infrastructure上预配 Oracle Siebel CRM 19.x 及更高版本,或者将 Siebel CRM 环境从数据中心迁移到Oracle Cloud Infrastructure,则可以为开发环境和测试环境规划多主机、安全、高可用性拓扑。 在Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 上部署的注意事项 ...
CRM软件领导者客户市场调查甲骨文独立市场调查公司Forrester Research在其最近发表的《Forrester Wave评估:2007年第二季度客户服务管理软件》的研究报告中,将Oracle(甲骨文)Siebel CRM软件评为记录导向的客户服务管理软件领域的"领导者".在这份报告中,Oracle Siebel托管型CRM软件也被Forrester评为同一类别中的领导者.电信...
Oracle Siebel CRM功能介绍 目录 4Siebel Cross-Industry - Base Application 4Siebel CRM Base 5Siebel Cross-Industry - Tools and Servers 5Siebel Tools 5Siebel Test Automation Interface 5Siebel Web UI Dynamic Development Kit (DDK) 6Siebel Report Designer Professional 6Siebel Report Designer 6Siebel Serve...
SiebelCRM保险总体解决方案 CustomerCustomer Up-sell/Cross-sell 购置倾向分析 智能驱动智能驱动 市场营销市场营销 客户客户 效劳效劳 理赔管理理赔管理 效率:减少处理时间,一次 解决 效果:前瞻性服务,案例管理 中介机构中介机构 代理代理 管理管理 产品跟踪:联系,信任 盈利分析 销售线索分配和忠诚度工具 佣金管理 新单...
Siebel’s integration with Oracle Digital Assistant (ODA) will enable our customers to provide more personal and an engaging experience. They can initiate the right conversations based on users’ need. How do Siebel CRM applications benefit from the Oracle Digital Assistant? With Siebel and ODA ...
Choose Accelsior as your Oracle Siebel CRM Upgrade partner and lean on our experts' knowledge and experience to guarantee project success.
Oracle Siebel CRM功能介绍 4Siebel Cross-Industry - Base Application 4Siebel CRM Base 5Siebel Cross-Industry - Tools and Servers 5Siebel Tools 5Siebel Test Automation Interface 5Siebel Web UI Dynamic Development Kit (DDK) 6Siebel Report Designer Professional 6Siebel Report Designer 6Siebel Server Ext...