SQL> select * from user_tab_privs; 4查看所有角色 SQL> select * from dba_roles; 5查看用户所拥有的角色 SQL> select * from dba_role_privs where grantee='DBA';--查看某用户拥有的角色 SQL> select * from user_role_privs;当前用户拥有的角色 6查看某个角色的具体权限 如grant connect,resource,cr...
select * from user_role_privs; --->当前用户被授予的角色 select * from dba_role_privs; --->全部用户被授予的角色 select * from dba_roles; --->查看所有角色 Select * from ROLE_ROLE_PRIVS; --->查看所有角色被赋予的角色 基本权限查询: select * from session_privs; --->当前用户所拥有的全...
SELECT GRANTEE,GRANTED_ROLE FROM DBA_ROLE_PRIVS WHERE GRANTEE ='ORACLE1';--(dba权限)执行,查询用户所拥有的角色 select * from dba_role_privs where grantee='ORACLE1';--查询用户所拥有的角色,同样需要高权限查询 Select * from USER_ROLE_PRIVS;--查询当前用户所拥有的角色,同样需要高权限查询, ###...
sql>select * from SESSION_ROLES;//查看当前用户的生效的角色。 8.修改指定用户,设置其默认角色 sql>alter user user1 default role role1; sql>alter user user1 default role all except role1; 详见oracle参考文档 9.删除角色 sql>drop role role1; 角色删除后,原来拥用该角色的用户就不再拥有该角色了,...
sql>select * from role_sys_privs; 4.查看用户对象权限: select * from dba_tab_privs; select * from all_tab_privs; select * from user_tab_privs; 5.查看所有角色: select * from dba_roles; 6.查看用户或角色所拥有的角色: select * from dba_role_privs; ...
create user ryd_interface identified by ryd_interface; grant connect,create synonym to ryd_interface; 第二步,登录数据库一个模式中,授权给用户A ,使得用户A 能创建视图 conn qlzqclient/qlzq+client8 grant select on INVEST_CLOCK to ryd_interface_src with grant option; ...
select * from dba_roles; --->查看所有角色 Select * from ROLE_ROLE_PRIVS; --->查看所有角色被赋予的角色 基本权限查询: select * from session_privs; --->当前用户所拥有的全部权限 select * from user_sys_privs; --->当前用户的系统权限 ...
SQL> select user#,type#,name from user$; USER# TYPE# NAME --- --- --- 0 1 SYS 1 0 PUBLIC 2 0 CONNECT 3 0 RESOURCE 4 0 DBA 5 1 SYSTEM 通过USER$ 可以看一下字段注释,type# 的 0 类型是 Role 毫无疑问的: create table user$ /* user table */ ( user# number not null...
Locate the search type User has [Select Role Type] role assigned. Select the option box and use the Select Role Type drop-down menu to filter the list of available roles. A second role menu opens. Select a role. Clear the other search-type checkboxes, unless you want to narrow your sea...
允许被授权者更改表或者视图中的数据值。SELECT权限必须随同UPDATE权限一起授予,这样就使被授权者隐含具有了锁定表的能力。 权限分配 常用的授权方式 常见的预定义角色包括CONNECT(连接角色)、RESOURCE(资源角色)、DBA(管理员)三种。 # 创建新用户 CREATE USER username IDENTIFIED BY password DEFAULT TABLESPACE tablespa...