prior sys_guid () is not nulladds a unique bit of data to each row. This prevents cycles because Oracle Database uses all the columns withprioroperators in theconnect byto check for loops. If two rows in a tree have the same value for these columns, the database considers this a loop...
Sometimes, you may want to aggregate data from a number of rows into a single row and associate the result row with a specific value. For example, the followingqueryreturns a comma-separated list of employees for each job title. SELECTjob_title,LISTAGG( first_name,',')WITHINGROUP(ORDERBYfi...
-n <db_name> Database name (DB_NAME), if different from the unique name given by the -d option -y <dbpolicy> Management policy for the database (AUTOMATIC, MANUAL, or NORESTART) -g "<serverpool_list>" Comma separated list of database server pool names -a "<diskgroup_list>" Comma...
When the active identity plug-in is Oracle Internet Directory or Active Directory, specify the LDAP query to select the set of users to crawl. User attributes to be synchronized from identity system Comma-separated list of user attributes to crawl, such as name, groups. Not used in this ...
Depending on performance, you may need to adjust the number of dispatchers. Setting the Initial Number of Dispatchers You can specify multiple dispatcher configurations by settingDISPATCHERSto a comma separated list of strings, or by specifying multipleDISPATCHERSparameters in the initialization file. ...
-users LIST 从源数据库导入选定用户/角色。LIST 是一个用逗号分隔的用户/角色名称列表,如 -users MTK,SAMPLE -allProfiles Import all profiles from the source database. -profiles LIST Import the selected profiles from the source database. LIST is a comma-separated list of profile names ...
From the CLI terminal, set up the source database configuration. Open the configuration file usingvi conf/conn/oracle.ymlcommand and add a comma-separated list of IP addresses of the oracle nodes, port number, username, password, and any other required details. The following code shows an exa...
Tablespaces– Use a comma-separated list of tablespaces to transport from the source database to the destination database. This must be a single line; any subsequent lines will not be read. Src_scratch_location– Specify the location where the backup will be generated. ...
SQL>copyusage:COPYFROM<db>TO<db><opt>{ (<cols>) }USING<sel><db>: database string, e.g., hr/your_password@d:chicago-mktg<opt>:ONEofthe keywords: APPEND,CREATE,INSERTorREPLACE: nameofthe destinationtable<cols>: a comma-separated listofdestinationcolumnaliases<sel>:anyvalidSQLSELECTstatemen...
You can specify multiple locations by using comma separated paths. Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) and Azure Blob Storage. CSV, PARQUET, and ORC file formats.Tip The recommended method for data loading is to use COPY INTO along with PARQUET file format....