可以在selectinto,fetchinto,returning into语句使用bulk collect。 注意在使用bulk collect时,所有的into变量都必须是collections. 举几个简单的例子:--在select into语句中使用bulk collectDECLARETYPE SalListISTABLEOFemp.sal%TYPE; sals SalList;BEGIN--Limit the number of rows to 100.SELECTsalBULKCOLLECTINTOsa...
通过bulk collect减少loop处理的开销 采用bulk collect可以将查询结果一次性地加载到collections中。 而不是通过cursor一条一条地处理。 可以在select into,fetch into,returning into语句使用bulk collect。 注意在使用bulk collect时,所有的into变量都必须是collections. 举几个简单的例子: --在select into语句中使用bul...
TheBULK COLLECT INTO clause can improve the performance of queries that reference collections. You can use BULK COLLECT INTO with tables of scalar values, or tables of %TYPE values. The PL/SQL block inExample 6-10queries multiple values into PL/SQL tables, with and without bulk binds. Withou...
The BULK COLLECT INTO clause can improve the performance of queries that reference collections. You can use BULK COLLECT INTO with tables of scalar values, or tables of %TYPE values. The PL/SQL block in Example 6-10 queries multiple values into PL/SQL tables, with and without...
INSERT INTO bulk_bind_example_tblVALUES(...)END LOOP;... 正例 FORALL i IN1..50000INSERT INTO bulk_bind_example_tblVALUES(...);END;... 正例2 可以用BULK COLLECT 去改善性能 CREATEORREPLACEPROCEDUREprocess_customers(p_account_mgr customers.account_mgr_id%TYPE)ISTYPEtyp_numtabISTABLEOFcustome...
不能对使用字符串类型作键的关联数组使用BULK COLLECT子句。 复合目标(如对象类型)不能在RETURNING INTO子句中使用。 如果有多个隐式的数据类型转换的情况存在,多重复合目标就不能在BULK COLLECT INTO子句中使用。 如果有一个隐式的数据类型转换,复合目标的集合(如对象类型集合)就不能用于BULK COLLECTINTO子句中 ...
Example 12-26DELETE with RETURN BULK COLLECT INTO in FORALL Statement DROPTABLEemp_temp;CREATETABLEemp_tempASSELECT*FROMemployeesORDERBYemployee_id, department_id;DECLARETYPE NumListISTABLEOFNUMBER; depts NumList :=NumList(10,20,30); TYPE enum_tISTABLEOFemployees.employee_id%TYPE; ...
$stmt = oci_parse($conn, 'insert into btab (blobid, blobdata) ' .'values(:myblobid, empty_blob()) returning blobdata into :blobdata'); oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ':myblobid', $myblobid); oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ':blobdata', $lob, -1, OCI_B_BLOB); ...
The array size you pick will depend on the width of the rows you are returning and the amount of memory you are happy to use.From Oracle 10g onward, the optimizing PL/SQL compiler converts cursor FOR LOOPs into BULK COLLECTs with an array size of 100. The following example compares the...
输出集合通过在SELECT INTO, FETCHINTO和RETURNING INTO子句中加入BULK COLLECT子句实现,下面是BULK COLLECT子句的语法: ...BULK COLLECT INTOcollection_name[, collection_name] ... 2.3.5. 这里我们结合一个实例来理解一下在SELECT INTO语句中批量绑定的使用: SQL...