如果未指定 -xcheck,则编译器将缺省设置为 -xcheck=noreturn。如果指定了不带任何参数的 -xcheck,则编译器缺省为 -xcheck=%all(除非是在 SPARC 的 Oracle Solaris 系统上,在该系统上,编译器在这两种情况下都缺省为 -xcheck=stkovf:detect)。在命令行上 -xcheck 选项不进行累积。编译器按照上次出现的命令设置...
This should return no process, if ohasd.bin is still up and running, stop it on local node: # <GI_HOME>/bin/crsctl stop crs -f <=== for GI Cluster OR # <GI_HOME>/bin/crsctl stop has <=== for GI Standalone Once it's down, restore with the following command: # <GI_HO...
この機能は、"pooling=true"の場合にかぎり、Oracle RACデータベースに対してのみ使用できます。"Load Balancing=true"を設定し、RAC以外のデータベースに対して接続を試行すると、「ORA-1031:権限が不足しています」というエラーのOracleExceptionがスローされます。
I 11800118, INSERT..RETURNING does return all values if statistics are being calculated on the table at the same time II 11778458, Wrong Results / ORA-1802 on TO_CHAR with CURSOR_SHARING – 11774263, DBMS_XMLstore.deleteXml deletes ...
All programs should test the return value for errors. A (-1042) SQLCA.SQLCODE and an "O1031" SQLSTATE string indicate that a non-privileged user is trying to make changes for another user. The following example is an excerpt from a .SC application: char SQLSTATE(6); /* Call the ...
All programs should test the return value for errors. A (-1042) SQLCA.SQLCODE and an "O1031" SQLSTATE string indicate that a non-privileged user is trying to make changes for another user. The following example is an excerpt from a .SC application: char SQLSTATE(6); /* Call the ...
v_code auths.author_code%type; cursor c_auths is select * from auths where author_code=v_code; 打开显式游标 打开一个已打开的游标也是合法的。当第二次打开游标时,PL /SQL 先自动关闭游标,然后再打开。一次打开多个游标也是PL /SQL 所允许的。打开游标前为绑定变量赋值。
--OSWatcher 在4.0 版本被重命名为OSWatcherBlack Box,已避免造成与同名工具的疑惑。 New in thisrelease (4.0.0) is a built-in analyzer which analyzes the data OSWbb collectsand provides information on system slowdowns, hangs and other OS performanceproblems. ...
AUTH-1031 The phone number {0} is already enrolled for the user. AUTH-1032 The device status is not valid. AUTH-1033 Payload error. Either the payload in the request is null, or the payload couldn't be parsed. AUTH-1034 You are not authorized to perform this action. AUTH-1035 ...
Oracle教学课件:第六章 游标管理.pptx,第六章 游标管理回顾PL/SQL 是一种可移植的高性能事务处理语言 PL/SQL 引擎驻留在 Oracle 服务器中PL/SQL 块由声明部分、可执行部分和异常处理部分组成 PL/SQL 支持的数据类型包括标量数据类型、LOB 数据类型和属性类型 控制结构包括