Whenever you submit a purchase order or requisition for approval or take an action in the Notifications Summary window, Purchasing uses Oracle Workflow technology in the background to handle the approval process. Workflow uses the approval controls and hierarchies you define according to the setup ste...
Purchasing uses Oracle Workflow technology to handle requisition and purchase order approvals, automatic creation of purchase orders and releases, purchase order changes (specifically, any additional approvals those changes require), notifications, and receipt confirmation. Workflow is an underlying technology...
对于程序来说ID是关键的,来源于各个表如FND_USER或者HR_EMPLOYEES;对于Workflow来说Name是关键的,来源于表WF_ROLES;对于最终User来说,Display Name 30、是关键的,来源于表WF_ROLES。新建1个MessageN: 选中Message/右键/New MessageInternal NameDisplay NameText BodyAPPROVAL_REQApproval RequisitionJust for testing....
oracle workflow and approval hierarchies Presentedby:BoltonS.Carroll OracleWorkflowandApprovalHierarchies 800.919.1974bcarroll@baytree.com Copyright2002.BaytreeAssociates,Inc.AllRightsReserved.OverviewRequisitionApproval:3CaseStudies MediumSizemanufacturingcompanyusing11iCoreAppsPurchasing.MediumSizePropertyManagement...
Oracle Workflow 介绍
Cloud Mobile Analytics Social Oracle Modern Best Practice Requisition to Receipt Healthcare Payer Raise requisitions Create purchase automatically or easily > locate intended goods and services (e.g. medical release forms, claims forms, enrollment forms, coverages offered brochures and printing services,...
Cloud Mobile Analytics Social Oracle Modern Best Practice Requisition to Receipt Healthcare Payer Raise requisitions Create purchase automatically or easily > locate intended goods and services (e.g. medical release forms, claims forms, enrollment forms, coverages offered brochures and printing services,...
对于程序来说ID是关键的,来源于各个表如FND_USER或者HR_EMPLOYEES;对于Workflow来说Name是关键的,来源于表WF_ROLES;对于最终User来说,Display Name是关键的,来源于表WF_ROLES。新建1个MessageN: 选中Message/右键/New MessageInternal NameDisplay NameT 39、ext BodyAPPROVAL_REQApproval RequisitionJust for testing....
Oracle WorkFlow讲义 MarkCraig SeniorProductManagerOracleWorkflowOracleCorporation WorkflowandBusinessEvents DatabasetoJ2EE OracleWorkflow Supportsenterpriserequirementsforbusinessprocessmanagement –––BusinessEventandProcessDefinitionBusinessProcessAutomation,IntegrationBusinessProcessIntelligenceBusinessdocumentapprovalsSending,...
Generator PO Requisition Approval Item Key leave it blank Persistence_type (Persistence Type of Items (Temporary/Permanent)) Age (Minimum age of data to purge (in days)) 22 24 Item_type –FA Account Generator PO Requisition Approval Item Key leave it blank Persistence_type (temporary/permanent)...