--generate random number between 0 and 100 select round (dbms_random.value () * 100) + 1 as random_num from dual; -- 45、检查表中是否含有任何的数据 -- 这个可以有很多中写法,你可以使用 count(*) 来查看表里的行的数量,但是这个查询语句比较高效和快速,而且我们只是想知道表里是否有任何的数据...
request ID The number that identifies the concurrent request. USERNAME Up to eight characters (uppercase) of the application username of the user that requested the concurrent process. <abcd12345> Naming convention in which <abcd> are random letters and <12345> designate the operating system proces...
• The character count for the workflow name should be between 1 and 128. • The name cannot contain a slash (/). 3.2 Managing a Project The options to manage a Data Miner project are available in the context menu. In the Data Miner tab, right-click the project that you want to ...
In previous releases, if a large number of connections simultaneously connected to elements on a large grid, queries could fail due to an inability to create communication channels between the elements. This problem is fixed. (BugDB #32654342 - Backport of BugDB #32651929) In previous releases,...
If you try to repeat this example it probably won’t give you exactly the same results because I used Oracle’s random number generator to generate a normal distribution of integer values (with mean zero and standard deviation of 100), but there’s a reasonable chance that you’ll see ...
Absolutely! The LOB API's allow random access to any part of the LOB. Consider using these where appropriate. Why can't I create a PreparedStatement that doesselect * from tab where id in (?, ?, ?, ...)? The problem is that the RDBMS does not support bind parameters for the elemen...
select u.project_no,u.project_name_c,u.job_qty from cndba.cnprj1 u where u.job_qty between 100 and 200; --TopN查询 select * from (select * from cndba.cnprj1 t order by t.project_no) a where rownum<=5 --通过dbms_random.value()实现随机返回5条记录 ...
WHERE rn between 4 and 6; 11.13 随机产生N个字符串 select dbms_random.string('A',10) from dual; === Oracle随机函数—dbms_random 1.基础认识 关于这些函数及DBMS_RANDOM包的文件都包含在SQLPlus中: select text from all_source where name = 'DBMS_RANDOM' and...
random() -- deprecated in Oracle seed(int4) seed(text) string(text,int4) terminate() -- deprecated in Oracle value() value(numeric,numeric) DBMS_JOB broken(int8,bool,timestamp) change(int8,text,timestamp,text,int4,bool) instance(int8,int4,bool) ...
Number of rsa key bits <1024-2048> [1024]: Enter Configure the ntp server? (yes/no) [n]: y NTP server IPv4 address: <global-ntp-server-ip> Configure default interface layer (L3/L2) [L3]: L2 Configure default switchport interface state (shut/noshut) [noshut]: Enter Conf...