SELECT TOP 页大小 * FROM table1 WHERE id > ( SELECT ISNULL(MAX(id),0) FROM ( SELECT TOP 页大小*(页数-1) id FROM table1 ORDER BY id ) A ) ORDER BY id 方法3: 适用于 SQL Server 2005 SELECT TOP 页大小 * FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY id) AS RowNumber,* FROM ...
3-11 Search Using Oracle Text Query Syntax... 3-12 Thesaurus-Based Search... 3-14 Including Related Terms from a Thesaurus...
69189 APEX_030200 WWV_FLOW_RENDER_QUERY 20 10 rows selected. tony@ORCL1> CREATE TABLE TEST AS SELECT ROWNUM ID, A.* FROM DBA_OBJECTS A; Table created. tony@ORCL1> EXEC DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS(USER, 'TEST'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. tony@ORCL1> COLUMN OBJECT_...
0,1,tab.num_rows),3)*100||'%'"集群因子接近行数"fromdba_tables tab, dba_indexes indwheretab.table_name=ind.table_nameandtab.ownernotin('SYS','SYSTEM','WMSYS','DBSNMP','CTXSYS','XDB','ORDDATA','SYSMAN','CATALOG',
Get rowsOperation ID: GetItems This operation gets rows from a table. Parameters 展開資料表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Table name table True string Name of Oracle table Filter Query $filter string An ODATA filter query to restrict the entries returned (e.g. stringColumn eq 'string' ...
dbOpen--Open a database connection. dbClose--Close a database connection. dbQuery--Execute a query. dbCloseQuery--Close the cursor for a query. dbNextRow--Process the rows of a result set. dbExecute--Execute any SQL statement (DML or DDL). ...
alter sessionsetoptimizer_mode=ALL_ROWSselectcount(*)from emp;->>1父,2子游标 注: 该行为适用于跟踪事件的设置。例如,如果使用 10046 打开跟踪,将新添加一个由于OPTIMIZER_MISMATCH引起的子游标。 OUTLINE_MISMATCHOUTLINES 与现有的子游标不一致。例如:如果用户之前为这个SQL创建了存储OUTLINES,并且这些OUTLINES被...
Gathering object statistic in Oracle is important. The optimizer needs metadata about the object, such as the amount of rows and number of distinct values in a column, to help it decide the optimum way to access your data. This takes effort, and takes place automatically in scheduled windows...
For example, you may want to remove therow_numbercolumn in a top-N/group query. But if you do this in the same query block you filter it, you'll get an error: Copy code snippet Copied to Clipboard Error: Could not Copy Copied to Clipboard ...
299 FIRST_ROWS 10 300 FLAGGER 7 301 FLASHBACK 9 302 FLOAT 5 303 FLOB 4 304 FLUSH 5 305 FOLLOWING 9 306 FOR 3 307 FORCE 5 308 FORCE_XML_QUERY_REWRITE 23 309 FOREIGN 7 310 FREELIST 8 311 FREELISTS 9 312 FREEPOOLS 9 313 FRESH 5 314 FROM 4 315 FULL 4 316 FUNCTION 8 317 FUNCTIO...