statistics_level 参数是oracle9.2开始引入的一个控制系统统计参数收集的一个开关.一共有三个:basic,typical,all.支持alter session,alter system 动态修改.如果要用statspack或者AWR收集系统性能统计数据.那么这个参数的值必须为typical或all.通常all是一个全面收集,包括 OS以及sql执行路径方面的一些统计信息,除非遇见非常...
Question:I am new to Oracle tuning, and I want to know the steps for Oracle performance tuning. Answer:As of Oracle 11g, Oracle has codified a top-down tuning approach, with the first steps being very broad, and successive steps becoming more focused. Oracle performance tuning is very compl...
AlsoquerythestatisticsfromVSESSTAT for the session to determine the size of the sort. See if it is possible to reduce the sorting by tuning the SQL statement. If WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY is MANUAL, then consider increasing the SORT_AREA_SIZE for the system (if the sorts are not too big) or...
NOTE:748642.1-HowtoGenerate an AWR ReportandCreateBaselines NOTE:276103.1-Performance TuningUsingAdvisorsandManageability Features: AWR,ASH,ADDMandSQLTuning Advisor NOTE:459887.1-ORA-13516AWR Operation failed: SWRFSchemanotinitialized ORA-06512SYS.DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY NOTE:733655.1-AWR Diagnostic Collection...
Gavin Powell.Oracle Performance Tuning for 10gR2. . 2006Powell G. Oracle Performance Tuning for 10gR2[M].Pennsylvania,USA:Digital Press,2007.841-878.Oracle Performance Tuning for 10gR2. Gavin JT Powell. . 2007G. Powell, "Oracle performance tuning for 10gR2", (Second Edition), Digital Press,...
1. SQL Performance Tuning team recommends using COUNT(1) instead COUNT(*) for SQL query performance optimization. Example: --Do not use: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM master; --Use: SELECT COUNT(1) FROM master; 2. Never compare NULL with NULL. Consider that NULL is not like an empty string or...
The Oracle automatic performance tuningfeatures include: oracle 自动性能调优特性包括以下 Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) collects, processes, and maintains performance statistics for problem detection and self-tuning purposes. See"Overview of the Automatic Workload Repository". ...
36. 深入理解shared pool共享池之library cache的library cache pin系列三(480) 37. rac中 kull session会话脚本(478) 38. 闪回表(471) 39. Performance tuning library cache lock & single-task message(432) 40. Shell: extract more from listener.log(分析监听日志)(423) 评论...
You can significantly improve the performance of Oracle Waveset (Waveset) software across nearly all activities with the proper tuning. In addition to changing settings within the software, you can make performance improvements by tuning the application server, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM machine)...
Oracle Database includes a powerful array of query optimization features that maximize performance and allow DBAs to become more productive by providing innovation in plan stability.