In this article, we will discuss some frequently asked Oracle interview questions and provide detailed answers to help you succeed in your interview. 1. What is Oracle? Oracle is a powerful and highly popular relational database management system developed by Oracle Corporation. It is used to ...
What are bind parameter and lexical parameter used for? A bind reference replaces a single value or expression.To create a bind reference in a query, prefix the parameter name with a colon ( . A lexical reference is a text string and can replace any part of a SELECT statement, such as ...
5. Create a query to learn the average cost of a service listed in a table. This is closer to a technical interview question, as it asks you to essentially write out a query. If the prompt is presented in this manner, you’ll usually need to provide a few details first. Then, you ...
Oracle Apps DBA R12 Interview Questions Question. What do we have in FND_NODES? Answer: FND_NODES table contains information about node_names and services enabled on a node. In multinode instance if you want to know which node is running what services, You can query the fnd_nodes and get ...
Oracle DBA Job Interview Questions and Answers 1:: When using Oracle export/import what character set concerns might come up? How do you handle them? Be sure to set NLS_LANG for example to "AMERCIAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1". If your source database is US7ASCII, beware of 8-bit characters...
一份OracleDBA的面試題目 看看能答出多少,正確多少 "題目考察的相當全面了;還比較側重對實際應用中常見問題解決能力的考察。 個別概念性的題目真的不大好答,不但要知其然,還要知其所以然。" OracleDBAInterviewQuestionsByBG 1.Howmanymemorylayersareinthesharedpool? 2.HowdoyoufindoutfromtheRMANcatalogifaparticula...
34. What SQL query from v$session can you run to show how many sessions are logged in as aparticular user account? 35. Why does Oracle not permit the use of PCTUSED with indexes? 36. What would you use to improve performance on an insert statement that places millions of rowsinto that...
// 9. How to get data from HashMap? // 10. Difference between Vector and ArrayList? //
Oracle DBA Interview Questions By B G 1. How many memory layers are in the shared pool? 2. How do you find out from the RMAN catalog if a particular archive log has been backed-up? 3. How can you tell how much space is left on a given file system and how much space each of th...
1、刚刚去面试,问了一个问题。说数据库坏了,就剩下几个数据文件,其他的都没有了,问能不能导出一些数据来,如果可以的话,用什么工具? Interview Questions 数据文件 数据 数据库 其他 转载 mb5ff4099f0a555 2013-07-15 16:43:00 184阅读 2 Oracle数据库面试题精选Oracle面试题 ...