我有两个查询,第一个是获取表名和avg_row_len select Table_name, AVG_ROW_LEN from all_tablesFROM COMPU_ERROR_FACT --table nameorder by 3; 我有超过2k个表,有没有办法一次性获取所有表的详细信息 浏览19提问于2021-04-15得票数 0 1回答 从Oracle到Server的数据流任务中源和目的地的动态列映射 、...
insert into a values (translate ('at{&}t','at{}','at')); 67. EXP 如何加QUERY参数? EXP USER/PASS FILE=A.DMP TABLES(BSEMPMS) QUERY='"WHERE EMP_NO=\'S09394\'\" ﹔ 68. 关于oracle8i支持简体和繁体的字符集问题? ZHS16GBK可以支 69. Data Guard是什么软件? 就是Standby的换代产品 70....
--查询SCOTT用户中所有表的记录数 declare v_count number; query varchar2(4000); begin for i in (select table_name from all_tables where owner = 'SCOTT' order by 1) loop query := 'select count(*) from "' || i.table_name || '"'; execute immediate query into v_count; dbms_output...
select * from all_tables; select * from dba_tables; revoke dba from user_name; shutdown immediate startup nomount select * from v$instance; select * from v$sga; select * from v$tablespace; alter session set nls_language=american; alter database mount; ...
EXP USER/PASS FILE=A.DMP TABLES(BSEMPMS) QUERY='"WHERE EMP_NO=\'S09394\'\" ﹔ 68. 关于oracle8i支持简体和繁体的字符集问题? ZHS16GBK可以支 69. Data Guard是什么软件? 就是Standby的换代产品 70. 如何创建SPFILE? SQL> connect / as sysdba ...
(B) all tables and their primary keys constraint (PK) in Oracle database Query was executed under the Oracle 12c Database version. Do table names in your database always make sense? Honestly. Yeah, ours neither. See what we did about that. ...
data = cursor.fetchall() return data except Exception as e: print(f"抽取表{table_name}时发生错误:{e}") return None finally: cursor.close() connection.close() 获取所有表名 def get_table_names(): query = "SELECT table_name FROM user_tables" ...
26、mpression indicates that all tables in the tablespace will be created with table compression enabled unless otherwise specified.RETENTIONVARCHAR2(11)Undo tablespace retention: GUARANTEE - Tablespace is an undo tablespace with RETENTION specified as GUARANTEEA RETENTION value of GUARANTEE indicates t 27...
解决Oracle没有dba权限查询用户和表失败问题 getSQLQueryTables方法sql中的dba_tables修改为all_tables。 getSQLQueryTableSchema方法sql中的dba_users修改为all_users。添加表名称处理函数针对Oracle和PostgreSQL数据库的表名称大小写敏感问题。建议需要查询表数据的函
net/blogs/convert-number-into-words-oracle-sql-query/ select to_char (to_date (1526, 'j'), 'jsp') from dual; -- 输出:one thousand five hundred twenty-six -- 39、在包的源代码中查询字符串 -- 这个查询语句会在所有包的源代码上搜索‘FOO_SOMETHING’ ,可以帮助用户在源代码中查找特定的存储...