CountEmp ('James',out_value); dbms_output.put_line(out_value); end; 七、维护存储过程 • 修改存储过程:与创建的语法相同,使用REPLACE替换即可。 • 删除存储过程:drop procedure [schema.]过程名
存储过程(Stored Procedure),就是一组用于完成特定数据库功能的SQL语句集,该SQL语句集经过编译后存储在数据库系统中。这篇文章主要介绍了oracle中print_table存储过程介绍,需要的朋友可以参考下 定义 所谓存储过程(Stored Procedure),就是一组用于完成特定数据库功能的SQL语句集,该SQL语句集经过 编译后存储在数据库系统...
基本ORACLE的过程定义 •结构:•DECLARE • •• ---声明变量等数据类型 ---主程序体,包含各种合法语句---异常处理 •BEGIN•EXCEPTION•END;--主题程序结束分号必须 例:打印1..100的数值 •BEGIN•FORV_INDEXIN1..100 • ••• LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(V_INDEX);ENDLOOP;...
dbms_output.enable(1000000); dbms_output.put_line('line one'); dbms_output.put_line('line two'); dbms_output.put_line('line three'); v_numlines := 3; dbms_output.get_lines(v_data, v_numlines); --array, index for v_counter in 1..v_numlines loop dbms_output.put_line(v_data(...
Oracle Application Object Library also provides a set of profile options that you can access via the user profile routines. You can retrieve values for these profile options in your forms and programs; however, except for the profiles CONC_PRINT_OUTPUT and CONC_PRINT_STYLE, you cannot change th...
EXECUTE query_emp(171,:name,:sal)PRINT name sal 使用Host Variables Host Variable 又称“bind”或者“global”变量。定义于PL/SQL之外,可以通过下列方式定义: SQL * Plus VARIABLE 命令 Oracle Forms internal 和 UI variables Java variables 引用host variables需要在变量名称前加上“:”。Host Variable 可以在...
create or replace procedure raiseSalary(eno in number) is --定义变量保存涨前的薪水 psal emp.sal%type; begin --得到涨前的薪水 select sal into psal from emp where empno=eno; --涨100 update emp set sal=sal+100 where empno=eno; --要不要commit? dbms_output.put_line('涨前:'||psal|...
When calling an Oracle stored procedure, all input and output data is passed as arguments to the procedure. This may be confusing as first, if you are used to the semantics of calling a PHP function with some arguments and having it return a value, but is easiest seen by example. Given...
Stored Procedure Output Directory UTL_FILE_DIR = /rladev/rla/1.1/log, /rladev/rla/1.1/out Utilities:SQL Trace For more information on SQL trace, see the ORACLE7 Server SQL Language Reference Manual. Users cannot see nor change this profile option. ...