解释:string:源字符串 subString:要查找的子字符串 position:查找的开始位置 ocurrence:源字符串中第几次出现的子字符串 For example: INSTR('CORPORATE FLOOR','OR', 3, 2)中,源字符串为'CORPORATE FLOOR', 目标字符串为'OR',起始位置为3,取第2个匹配项的位置;返回结果为 14 '1...
The DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE function displays a message containing the number of characters requested and the extracted substring. Flowchart: Exercise 3: Write a PL/SQL function to retrieve the leftmost 5 characters of the department name for a specific department identified by its department ID. Tabl...
--将每个单词的第一个字母大写其它字母小写返回。 select INITCAP('substr,abc,substring') from dual; --返回i在MISSISSIPPI中第3次出现的位置, select INSTR('Mississippi','i',5,3) from dual; select INSTR('Mississippi','i',-2,3) from dual; --返回的是字节 select INSTRB('Mississippi','i',5,...
oracle客户端PL/SQL 微软的SQL客户端 方法/步骤 1 对于oracle中使用需要注意:1. select * from table1,table2 ==> Select Table1.* From Table1,Table2; 多表情况下,不能用没有表前缀的*2.一些基本函数的使用,比如getdate()和sysdate,SubString和SubStr,Len和Length等3. 字段长度,后面有空格的,一律...
In oracle/PLSQL the substr functions allows you to extract a substring from a string The syntax for the substr function is:substr( string start_position [ length ] )说明 string is the source string start_position is the position for extraction The first position in the string is ...
Oracle/PLSQL: Substr Function In Oracle/PLSQL, the substr functions allows you to extract a substring from a string. The syntax for the substr function is: substr( string, start_position, [ length ] ) string is the source string.
In oracle/PLSQL, the substr functions allows you to extract a substring from a string. The syntax for the substr function is: substr( string, start_position, [ length ] ) 说明: string is the source string. start_position is the position for extraction. The first position in the string ...
buffer := dbms_lob.substr(source_lob, 9, start_location); dbms_output.put_line('The substring extracted is: ' || buffer); end; / The first occurrence starts at position:8 The first occurrence starts at position:24 The substring extracted is: Oracle 9i PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。
In oracle/PLSQL, the substr functions allows you to extract a substring from a string. The syntax for the substr function is: substr( string, start_position, [ length ] ) 说明: string is the source string. start_position is the position for extraction. The first position in the string ...