SELECTname, address, credit_limitFROMcustomersORDERBYnameDESC;Code language:SQL (Structured Query Language)(sql) The following picture shows the result that customers sorted by names alphabetically in descending order: B) Sorting rows by multiple columns example ...
添加一个PARTITION BY子句,并将ORDER BY子句从ASC更改为DESC,以便最新的行始终排名第一,然后您可以检...
Question:I have a SQL with multiple columns in my where clause. I know that Oracle can only choose one index, and I know about multi-column composite indexes, but I do not know how to determine the optimal column order for a composite index with multiple column values. What is the secre...
Enrich your reports by choosing specific columns from various view objects (VOs) from the Oracle Applications Cloud data sources. You can select the columns from various VOs, create an enrichment dataset, and use that dataset to create a data pipeline activation plan. This enables you to ...
In the earlier examples, we were using the order by clause on a single column but in this example, we are going to apply it on multiple columns. In this example, we are going to sort the values from the employee table by the employee name in ascending order and salary in descending or...
Multiple Payments enhances the payment options for orders, replacing the single payment type option at the order header (with the exception of Commitments) for example, cash, check, credit card, or null. Now you can specify multiple payment types for a single order. This change enables other ...
analyze table 表名 compute statistics for table for all indexes for all indexed columns; 扩展:表最近一次分析时间查询 SELECT t.TABLE_NAME, t.TABLESPACE_NAME, last_analyzed FROM all_tables t --user_tables t order by t.LAST_ANALYZED desc ...
INCLUDE_COLUMNDecimal要併入依索引進行組織之資料表主索引鍵 (非溢位) 索引的最後一個資料行的資料行 ID。 此資料行對應至 *_TAB_COLUMNS 資料字典檢視表的 COLUMN_ID 資料行。 FREELISTSDecimal配置給此區段的處理序可用清單數目。 FREELIST_GROUPSDecimal配置給此區段的可用清單群組數目。
select * from ALL_PART_KEY_COLUMNS --显示当前用户所有分区表的分区列信息: select * from USER_PART_KEY_COLUMNS --显示子分区列 显示数据库所有分区表的子分区列信息: select * from DBA_SUBPART_KEY_COLUMNS --显示当前用户可访问的所有分区表的子分区列信息: ...
Set the structure property: Columns that define the structure of the dataset. Type: array (or Expression with resultType array), itemType: DatasetDataElement. Overrides: AmazonRdsForOracleTableDataset.withStructure(Object structure) Parameters: structure withTable public AmazonRdsForOracleTableDatase...