而虚拟机上的oracle10g的,直接导出来,无法导入到虚拟机。 所以,试着用10g的客户端来导出数据, 用命令:exp exoa/***@exoa1 file=20100526.dmp grants=y full=y 执行后,系统提示: EXP-00008:遇到ORACLE错误1406 ORA-01406:提取的列值被截断 EXP-00000:导出终止失败 后来使用了网上看到的另外一种方法:用expdp...
DBMS=V6の場合、SELECT文またはFETCH文で切り捨てられた列値をインジケータ変数のないホスト変数に入れると、エラーORA-01406が発生します。一方、DBMS=V7の場合、エラーは発生しません。 DBMS=V6の場合、固定長文字列(動的SQL方法4の)のDESCRIBEの動作は、データ型コード1を戻します。DBMS=V7の場...
用的命令:exp User1/user1@ORCL-4 file=D:\bei.dmp full=y以前是可以导出的,不知道现在是怎么回事 采纳率:33% 等级:11 已帮助:426人 私信TA向TA提问 2个回答 Tinroy 2014.04.24 Tinroy 采纳率:26% 等级:23 已帮助:90571人 私信TA向TA提问推荐答案 1406很可能是版本问题引起的,11g的一般要用expdp来导...
. exporting post-schema procedural objects and actions . exporting user history table EXP-00008: ORACLE error 1406 encountered ORA-01406: fetched column value was truncated EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully Has anyone seen similar problems and have a solution?
. exporting post-schema procedural objects and actions . exporting user history table EXP-00008: ORACLE error 1406 encountered ORA-01406: fetched column value was truncated EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully Has anyone seen similar problems and have a solution?
Oracle ODBC driver use to returnORA-1406when an application with client side character set asAL32UTF8was trying to read data from single byte character set database. (Bug 8927110) Oracle ODBC driver use to returnORA-1410after applying the Patch 7 against aUTF8Oracle database. (Bug...
ora file in postupgrade ERROR1522.ERROR = UPG-1522 ERROR1522.CAUSE = Error updating network file's ORACLE_HOME in postupgrade ERROR1523.ERROR = UPG-1523 ERROR1523.CAUSE = Error restarting the pdbs ERROR1600.ERROR = UPG-1600 ERROR1600.CAUSE = Error copying the pfile during an UPGRADE mode ...
SELECT*FROM(SELECTrownum rn,a.textFROMalert_log aWHEREa.textLIKE'ORA-%')bWHEREb.rn>=(SELECTCOUNT(1)-10FROMalert_log aWHEREa.textLIKE'ORA-%');--2.利用V$DIAG_ALERT_EXT记录历史告警日志的脚本如下所示:---drop tableXB_ALERTLOG_ALL_LHR;create tableXB_ALERTLOG_ALL_LHR(IDNUMBERprimary key... 4693439 ORA-1406 from FULL export with auditing 4704626 User level import export with SB XMLTYPE table does not preserve scope 4711857 Exp/Imp of table with LONG swaps COMMENTS metadata 4736134 IMP-61 on import due to hashcode mismatch 47444...