Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Dynamic Routing Gateway (DRG) ist ein virtueller Netzwerkrouter in OCI, der virtuelle Cloud-Netzwerke (VCNs), dedizierte OCI-FastConnect-Leitungen, OCI-Site-to-Site-VPNs und SD-WAN-Geräte verbindet. OCI DRG bietet statische und dynamische Routingfunktionen, ...
OCI Private Endpoint provides private, secure access to one of many OCI services from within a VCN or on-premises network without traversing the internet. Dynamic Routing Gateway OCI Dynamic Routing Gateway is a virtual networking router that connects VCNs, FastConnect dedicated lines, and Site-to...
简化灾难恢复:Ortobom 使用 Oracle Data Guard 将Oracle Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure从圣保罗的 OCI 区域复制到 Vinhedo 中的灾难恢复站点。 体系结构 Ortobom 使用 Oracle Cloud Lift Services 将其内部部署 TOTVS Protheus ERP 应用程序和Oracle Database实例从其 33 个工厂合并到圣保罗的Oracle...
我们将利用 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) 提供的动态路由网关 (Dynamic Routing Gateway,DRG) 功能在多个 IPSec 隧道之间实现无缝的故障转移和负载平衡。 目标 提供在 OCI 中实施 IPSec 隧道的综合指南,该指南使用 ECMP 路由协议在活动/活动方案中实现流量负载平衡。 了解站点到站点 IPSec 协议的基本知识 了解不...
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure(OCI)’s dynamic routing gateway (DRG) enhancements allows end users to route traffic between virtual cloud networks (VCNs) using DRG. Before, you had to deploy local peering gateways (LPGs) to steer traffic from spoke VCNs to hub or transit VCNs and inspect...
Spark Dynamic Allocation is now Available with Data Flow Services:Data Flow Release Date:June 30, 2022 To help you save resources and reduce time on management, Spark Dynamic Allocation is now enabled inData Flow.. ... Flexible Compute Shapes are now Available with Data Flow ...
( at org.apache.ibatis.executor.statement.RoutingStatementHandler.update( at com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.executor.MybatisSimpleExecutor.doUpdate( at org.apache.ibatis.executor.BaseExecutor.update( https://....
For databases deployed in OCI, a separate virtual cloud network must be set up with a dynamic routing gateway (DRG) that is connected to your FastConnect circuit.Identity tierThe Microsoft-Oracle partnership enables you to set up a unified identity across Azure, OCI, and your Oracle application...