In case you have lots of invalid objects,you can generate scripts that will generate the sqls for compiling the invalid objects : In sqlplus connect as sys: set heading off spool compileinvalid.sql select 'alter '||object_type|| ' ' || owner ||'.'||object_name || ' compile;' from...
Oracle内存全面分析 Oracle的内存配置与oracle性能息息相关。而且关于内存的错误(如4030、4031错误)都是十分令人头疼的问题。可以说,关于内存的配置,是最影响Oracle性能的配置。内存还直接影响到其他两个重要资源的消耗:CPU和IO。 首先,看看Oracle内存存储的主要内容是什么: 程序代码(PLSQL、Java); 关于已经连接的会话...
If you encounter the following identifier or other errors referencing objects in APPCORE.pll while compiling, this indicates that theAPPCORE.pllfile must be attached to your form: 'APP_SPECIAL.ENABLE' must be declared(a). SelectFilethenConnectand ensure that you are connected to the database as...
When a table is defined with a column of an object type, Oracle adds hidden columns to the table for the object type's leaf-level attributes. Each object-type column also has a corresponding hidden column to store the NULL information for the column objects (that is, the atomic nulls of ...
DBA tried running utlrp, but it did not acknowledge that any invalid objects existed; however, a select from dba_objects indicates errors.Compiling individually did not solve the issue: the object would not compile.SQL>alter view sys.DBA_HIST_DATABASE_INSTANCE compile;...
Do not do this: Do this instead: You can encapsulate the process in makefile macros. You can create intermediate archive (.a) files using . Each archive then contains all the template instances used by the objects in the archive. You then link those archives into the final program. Some ...
These can also be set withSQLSetConnectAttr, which provides initial default values for statement objects created from the connection. JDBCStatementobject methods to set or get the attributes: void setTtNetMsgMaxRows(int rows) int getTtNetMsgMaxRows() ...
In case you have lots of invalid objects,you can generate scripts that will generate the sqls for compiling the invalid objects : In sqlplus connect as sys: set heading off spool compileinvalid.sql select 'alter '||object_type|| ' ' || owner ||'.'||object_name || ' compile;' from...
Objects in the database can become invalid, if there are any changes to the dependent objects. Even patch and upgrade can also make the object invalid. Compiling the invalid objects can make them valid if they are eligible. Below is the query to find the invalid objects currently present in...
(1)You can usePL/SQL debugging tools on program units compiled for interpreted mode (but notfor those compiled for native mode). (2)Compiling forinterpreted mode is faster than compiling for native mode. After thedebugging phase of development, in determining whether to compile a PL/SQL unit...