登录My Oracle Support Oracle 支持服务的优势 基于丰富经验的全球支持 Oracle 支持专家拥有丰富的专业知识和经验,能够在问题发生时及时为您提供帮助。 24/7 的全天候支持 Oracle 产品专家提供 24/7 的全天候技术支持,将专注于解决问题,尽可能降低企业受到的影响。
Oracle's award-winning support can confront the full range of technical issues facing your enterprise. With a team of on-site engineers, extensive online assistance, and 24x7 phone help, Oracle Support can help you prevent problems, resolve issues, and u
welcome to my oracle support get the most out of your oracle products and services, find answers, engage with communities, and resolve issues. sign in help us route you to a support portal email required next unified sign in experience for cloud users we redesigned the sign in page as part...
Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visithttp://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=infoor visithttp://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trsif you are hearing impaired. ...
My Oracle Support (https://support.oracle.com) is your initial point of contact for all product support and training needs. A representative at Customer Access Support can assist you with My Oracle Support registration. Call the Customer Access Support main number at 1-800-223-1711 (toll-free...
My Oracle Support, 缩写为MOS 身为一个Oracle DBA,你可能经常看到老DBA们讲Metalink或者MOS,你必须知道这是什么。 Metalink是Oracle的官方技术支持站点,其网址为: metalink.oracle.com ,后来变更为变更为:support.oracle.com, 命名为 My Oracle Support, 缩写为MOS,现在大家都称之为MOS了。
1.2.1 甲方:指接受乙方提供的MyOracleSupport服务的公司,名称为___。 1.2.2 乙方:指提供MyOracleSupport服务的公司,名称为___。 1.2.3 服务:指乙方根据本合同向甲方提供的技术支持和相关服务,详见附件一。 1.3 合同范围 本合同适用于甲方委托乙方提供的所有MyOracleSupport服务,包括但不限于技术支持、问题解决、...
本合同项下,“服务”是指MyOracleSupport系统运维支持与故障处理服务,包括但不限于系统监控、性能优化、故障诊断与修复、系统升级与维护等。 1.2术语解释 MyOracleSupport:指由Oracle公司提供的在线支持服务; 运维支持:指对MyOracleSupport系统的日常运行进行监控、维护和优化; 故障处理:指在系统出现故障时,提供技术支持...
Oracle My Oracle Support 用户指南说明书 TEXTURA:Customer Introduction to My Oracle Support (MOS)Copyright © 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |
访问My Oracle Support: support.oracle.com 在登陆页面选择语言为“简体中文” 登陆后在右上角的检索框输入中文关键字,比如“线程转储”,点击搜索,即可返回包含以上中文关键字的中文文档列表,也支持中英文混合检索,比如“weblogic 线程转储”。需要注意的是: 登陆的时候语言必须选择为中文,否则即使搜索中文关键字也不...