一、INSERT 语句 1、INSERT 语句的语法 插入单行记录语法:INSERT INTOtable [(column [, column...])]VALUES(value [,value...]); 该语句用VALUES子句添加行到列表中,一次仅一行。在INSERT子句中字段列表不是必须的,若不用字段列表,值必须按照表中字段的默认顺序排列。为使语句更清楚,在INSERT子句中使用字段列...
Use the MERGE statement to select rows from one table for update or insertion into another table. The decision whether to update or insert into the target table is based on a condition in the ON clause. It is a new feature of Oracle Ver. 9i. It is also known as UPSERT i.e. combinat...
You may want to cleanse tables while populating or updating them. To do this, you may want to consider using theDELETEclause in aMERGEstatement, as in the following example: MERGE USING Product_Changes S INTO Products D ON (D.PROD_ID = S.PROD_ID) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET D.PROD_L...
原来一直没注意,merge是可以支持delete,只不过必须的是on条件满足,也就是要求系统支持逻辑删除,而非物理删除。 Using the DELETE Clause with MERGE Statements You may want to cleanse tables while populating or updating them. To do this, you may want to consider using theDELETEclause in aMERGEstatement,...
MERGE 陳述式的轉換 如果您選取 [使用 INSERT、UPDATE、DELETE 陳述式],SSMA 會將 MERGE 陳述式轉換成 INSERT、UPDATE、DELETE 陳述式。如果您選取 [使用 MERGE 陳述式],SSMA 會將 MERGE 陳述式轉換成 SQL Server 中的 MERGE 陳述式。當您在 [模式] 方塊中選取轉換模式時,SSMA 會套用下列設定:預設/開放式/完...
2 | 创建需要进行 merge 和 delete 操作的数据表 | ```CREATE TABLE table_name (col1 datatype, col2 datatype, ...);``` 3 | 准备要插入的数据 | ```INSERT INTO table_name (col1, col2, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, ...);``` ...
4. 表的Merge Merge用于需要使用SQL语句同时进行Insert/Update的操作,也就是说当存在记录时就更新(Update),不存在数据时就插入(Insert)。 执行Merge前: 执行以下语句: Merge Into products t Using newproducts s On (t.product_id=s.product_id) When Matched Then Update Set t.product_name=s.product_name...
merge语句的语法 MERGE INTO target_table USING source_table ON search_condition WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET col1 = value1, col2 = value2,... WHERE <update_condition> [DELETE WHERE <delete_condition>] WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (col1,col2,...) ...
支援INSERTUPDATE/MERGEDELETE// 陳述式內子查詢分解子句 在多重路徑或循環參考的情況下,ON DELETE SET NULL子句的轉換訊息 改進從動態 SQL 字串建立的資料指標轉換 將ODP.NET 更新為 v19.8 SSMA v8.11 SSMA for Oracle v8.11 版本包含下列變更: 支援INSERT ... VALUES陳述式中的子查詢 ...