今天用sqlldr导入数据时候报错: " Record 1: Rejected - Error on table ks_test, column khname. Field in data file exceeds maximum length " 看到这个错误后以为是字段值过小导致,将原来的varchar2(1000) 改到了varchar2(2000) 发现还是不可以,依旧报如上错误,于是怀疑是sqlldr自身存在某些限制了。 查了下...
ORA-17071 Exceeded maximum VARRAY limit 超出VARRAY 的最大限制。 ORA-17072 Inserted value too large for column 插入列的值过大。 ORA-17074 invalid name pattern 无效的名称模式。 ORA-17075 Invalid operation for forward only resultset 对只转发结果集的无效操作。 ORA-17076 Invalid operation for read ...
create table test3 (v2 varchar2(4001)),错误,原因:ORA-00910: specified length too long for its datatype 2. CREATE TABLE TEST(NAME VARCHAR2(2)) INSERT INTO TEST VALUES('测试')错误,原因:ORA-12899: value too large for column "ZBB"."TEST"."NAME" (actual: 6, maximum: 2) 3. CREATE ...
column_default | information_schema.character_data | is_nullable | information_schema.yes_or_no | data_type | information_schema.character_data | character_maximum_length | information_schema.cardinal_number | character_octet_length | information_schema.cardinal_number | ...
3/23 PLS-00215: String length constraints must be in range (1 ..32767)3) plsql调用参数最大长度:65535SQL> DECLARElv_test VARCHAR2 (32767);BEGINFOR i IN 1 .. 32767LOOPlv_test := lv_test || '-';END LOOP; sp_test1 (LENGTHB (lv_test || lv_test || '1'));END;...
发现了部分 ORACLE 表的 varchar2 字段,因为上游 ORACLE数据库采用 GBK 编码格式,而下游 ORACLE 数据库采用UTF8 编码格式,导致部分包含中文的字段在插入下游是,因为长度问题导致插入失败,报错信息类似“ORA-12899: value too large for column "dbName"."tableName"."colName" (actual: xxx, maximum: yyy)”。
int getMaxCatalogNameLength() What's the maximum length of a catalog name?int getMaxCharLiteralLength() What's the max length for a character literal?int getMaxColumnNameLength() What's the limit on column name length?int getMaxColumnsInGroupBy() What's the maximum number of ...
ORA-12899: value too large for column "SYSTEM"."TEST"."NAME" (actual: 9, maximum: 7) 1. SQL> SELECT LENGTH(NAME), LENGTHB(NAME) FROM TEST; 1. LENGTH(NAME) LENGTHB(NAME) 1. --- --- 1. 1 3 1. 如果将参数NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS...
The Oracle database failed to throw an exception when inserting data that exceeded the maximum character length of a column with Bulk load enabled