1--Oracle 使用 init.ora 中的初始化参数 OPEN_CURSORS 指定一个会话一次最多可以拥有的游标数。缺省值为 50。要获得数据库中 OPEN_CURSORS 参数的值,可以使用以下查询:2SQL> show parameter open_cursors;3NAME TYPEVALUE4--- --- ---5open_cursorsinteger30067修改open_cursors89SQL>altersystemsetopen_curso...
Currently, I have 300 value set as max cursors. Monitoring the user session overpass this number and at then raises the error. I ignore why is not closing the cursors or if I miss some configuration parameter in the configuration. I have test checked to reduce the maximumPoolSize, but seem...
password : dbConfig.password, connectString : dbConfig.connectString, poolMax : 44, poolMin : 2, poolIncrement : 5, poolTimeout : 4 }, function(err,
Recently we noticed that some of these html snippets weren't being served and on inspection of the server log files we found that the Oracle error ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded was being generated. Our max cursors was set to 300 so we increased it to 350 to see if it hel...
a、如果Open_cursors设置太小,对系统性能不会有明显改善,还可能触发ORA-O1000:m~imum open CUrsOrs exceeded.的错误。如果设置太大,则无端消耗系统内存。我们可以通过如下的sql语句查看你的设置是否合理: 1SELECT MAX(A.VALUE) AS HIGHEST_OPEN_CUR, P.VALUE AS MAX_OPEN_CUR FROM V$SESSTAT A, V$STATNAME ...
Script:Diagnostic ORA-01000 maximum open cursors exceeded,以下脚本可以用于诊断ORA-01000打开游标过多错误:setlinesize140pagesize1400selectto_char(100*sess/calls,'999999999990.00')||'%'cursor_cache_hits,to_char(100*(calls-sess-hard)/calls,'999990.00')
' ),( select value hard from v$sysstat where name = 'parse count (hard)' ),( select value sess from v$sysstat where name = 'session cursor cache hits' )/select a.name, b.valuefrom v$statname a, v$mystat bwhere a.statistic# = b.statistic#and lower(a.name) like '...
ora-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded. 表示已经达到一个进程打开的最大游标数。 这样的错误很容易出现在Java代码中的主要原因是:Java代码在执行conn.createStatement()和conn.prepareStatement()的时候,实际上都是相当与在数据库中打开了一个cursor。尤其是,如果你的createStatement和prepareStatement是在一个循环...
jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: CallableStatementCallback; uncategorized SQLException for SQL[{call EMP_SCHEMA.GET_EMPLOYEE_LIST(?, ?)}]; SQL state[72000]; errorcode[1000]; ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01000: maximum open ...
2、如何正确合理设置参数的大小? a、如果Open_cursors设置太小,对系统性能不会有明显改善,还可能触发ORA-O1000:m~imum open CUrsOrs exceeded.的错误。如果设置太大,则无端消耗系统内存。我们可以通过如下的sql语句查看你的设置是否合理:SQL> SELECT MAX(A.VALUE) AS HIGHEST_OPEN_CUR, P.VALUE AS MAX_OPEN_...