2、修改临时表的字段属性 接下来,我们需要修改临时表的字段属性,使其允许为空,这里,我们以修改temp_table中的column_name字段为例,我们需要查询该字段的当前属性: SELECT column_name, data_length, data_precision, data_scale, nullable FROM user_tab_columns WHERE table_name = 'TEMP_TABLE' AND column_name...
Gets or sets a value which indicates whether the source column is nullable. This allowsOracleCommandBuilderto correctly generate Update statements for nullable columns. C# publicoverrideboolSourceColumnNullMapping {get;set; } Property Value Boolean ...
次の例では、 内で をOracleParameterCollection介して の複数のOracleParameterインスタンスを作成しますOracleDataAdapter。 これらのパラメーターは、データベースからデータを選択し、 にデータを配置するために使用されます DataSet。 この例では、 と OracleDataAdapter がDataSet、適切なスキーマ、...
NULLABLEString指定資料行是否允許 NULL。 若資料行沒有 NOT UNLL 條件約束,或者資料行是 PRIMARY KEY 的一部分,則此值為 N。 索引 ColumnNameDataType描述 OWNERString索引的擁有人。 INDEX_NAMEString索引的名稱。 INDEX_TYPEString索引的型別 (NORMAL、BITMAP、FUNCTION-BASED NORMAL、FUNCTION-BASED BITMAP 或 DO...
Make type_map to private because it is only used in the connection adapter [#1381] Remove add_runtime_dependency with arel [#1385] Move methods for synonyms out of SchemaStatementsExt [#1387] Remove incorrect prepend to ActiveRecord::ColumnDumper [#1394] Handle ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper by ad...
A null value was passed to the VAM API by the VAM module for a column whose metadata marked it as not nullable. Action: Contact Oracle Support or, if you are working with an Oracle GoldenGate developer, contact that person. OGG-00101: {1}: Attribute {0,number,0}: Only integers are ...
Output Column- Enter a unique name for each output column. The default is the name of the selected external (source) column; however, you can choose any unique, descriptive name. The name entered is displayed in the SSIS Designer.
First unique key alphanumerically with no virtual columns, no UDTs, no function-based columns, no nullable columns, and no extended (32K) VARCHAR2/NVARCHAR2 columns. To support a key that contains columns that are part of an invisible index, you must use the ALLOWINVISIBLEINDEXKEYS paramete...
id = Column('STUID', Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column('STUNAME', String(32), nullable=False) age = Column('STUAGE', Integer) def __repr__(self): return '<Student(id:%s, name:%s, age:%s)>' % (self.id, self.name, self.age) ...