Review the"Limitations on Transportable Tablespace Use" section inNote371556.1. Among otherthings, objects that reside in the SYSTEM tablespace and objects owned by SYSwill not be transported. This includes but is not limited to users, privileges,PL/SQL stored procedures, and views. If you usespa...
Among otherthings, objects that reside in the SYSTEM tablespace and objects owned by SYSwill not be transported. This includes but is not limited to users, privileges,PL/SQL stored procedures, and views. If you usespatial indexes, apply the solution in Note579136.1 "IMPDP TRA...
First we’ll create some tables, a package and a stored procedure using ref cursors in a Oracle database.Then we’ll create a .Net application that uses this stored procedure.Finally we’ll create a BID trace for this that traces both System.Data.OracleClient and OCI ...
2 SQL Server stored procedure + set error message from the records of a table 2 Error handling in Oracle stored procedure 3 How to add rows into a cursor manually in stored procedure in oracle 2 C# show custom error from Oracle procedure 0 how to display error message ...
} I'm not very fluent with Oracle (and english) so you should readthis tutorial. There is an interesting example, look at theStored Procedures and Reference Cursorschapter! Hope it helps!
The first stored procedure (SPSingleRefCur) will be executed byusingthe generic OpenAccessContext.Execute<T> method. Because you areusingan Oracle specific typeinthe stored procedures, you need to pass an OracleParameter to the context. You need tosetthe OracleDbType property of the OracleParame...
stream系列 -- How to use stored procedures DBMS_STRAMS_AMD,GeneralInformationSource{ORACLE_HOME}/rdbms/admin/dbmsstr.sqlFirstAvailable9.2ConstantsNameDataTypeValueInstantiationConstantsinstantiation_noneBINARY_INTEGER0instantiation_tableBINARY_INTEGER1i
Stored Procedures That Do Not Return DataThe ExecuteOracleNonQuery() method of the OracleCommand class executes a SQL statement or stored procedure that does not return any rows. The method returns an int value representing the number of rows affected for the UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE commands...
sql Contains SQL*Plus scripts used to upgrade data, and .pkh, .pkb, and .pls scripts to create PL/SQL stored procedures. bin Contains concurrent programs, other C language programs and shell scripts for each product. forms Contains Oracle Forms generated runtime (.fmx) files (Oracle Forms ...
Stored procedures that are defined in the PL/SQL packages are displayed in the format SPName(PackageName). For example, if the EMP_MGMT package contains the CREATE_DEPT stored procedure, the stored procedure is displayed in the list as CREATE_DEPT(EMP_MGMT)....