Oracle Linux provides thefreeipa-4service to open these required ports. For details, see/usr/lib/firewalld/services/freeipa-4.xml. Thefreeipa-4service replaces the deprecatedfreeipa-ldapandfreeipa-ldapsservices. Add thefirewalldservice. sudofirewall-cmd--permanent--add-service=freeipa-4 Relo...
# firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --remove-service=https # firewall-cmd --reload Open a specific port or range in a zone, check its runtime and permanent configuration, then remove it. # firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=8080-8081/tcp # firewall-cmd --reload...
Configure the Firewall Rules If you use a custom firewall profile or an OCI instance, open the firewall port for the NGINX web service (80). Copy sudofirewall-cmd--add-service=http--permanentsudofirewall-cmd--reload Depending on your installation, your instance may have a public-facing IP...
在VNC 查看器中使用格式 oraclevm_server_hostname:port 连接到 domU 的控制台。 37. 单击Forward。 38. 阅读许可协议。如果您同意,选择 Yes, I agree to theLicense Agreement。 单击Forward。 39. 单击Firewall 下拉菜单,选择Disabled。单击Forward。 40. 阅读警告。单击Yes。 41. 单击SELinux Setting 下拉菜...
firewall-cmd --state # 查看现有的规则 iptables -nL # 重载防火墙配置 firewall-cmd --reload # 添加单个单端口 firewall-cmd -...etc/selinux/config 修改 selinux 配置文件将SELINUX=enforcing改为SE...
sudo systemctl stop firewalld sudo systemctldisablefirewalld 设置oracle用户密码: Bash sudo passwd oracle 输入azureuser密码:OracleLab123。 将oracle用户密码更改为OracleLab123。 (再次输入以进行验证。) 在OracleVM1(主 VM)上创建数据库 Oracle 软件已基于 Azure 市场映像进行了安装,因此下一步是安装数据...
systemctl stop firewalld.service systemctl start firewalld.service systemctl enable firewalld.service firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public--add-port=22/tcp firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public--add-port=1521/tcp firewall-cmd --reload firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public--list-por...
关闭SELinux 由于CentOS的SELinux安全机制,开放Oracle的1521端口需要手动放开SELinux和firewall两处,由于机器处在可信的内网中,故我这里直接关闭SELinux。 先临时关闭SElinux(下次启动就失效): 代码语言:shell 复制 setenforce0 如果提示命令找不到的话,看看是不是没有安装policycoreutils-python这个包。
$ sudo su - $ firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-source= $ firewall-cmd --reload $ exit 在ggVM2(复制)上创建数据库如有必要,请切换到 oracle 用户 bash 复制 $ sudo su - oracle 创建数据库 bash 复制 $ dbca -silent \ -createDatabase \ -templateName General_Pur...
1. Before you actually start the agent installation it is recommended to look at the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10gGrid Control Release 2 Firewall Port requirements. It will help you understand the ports that need to be open in your firewall for the successful implementation of the Grid Control...