Oracle Linux 9: Setting Up System Users and Authentication Oracle Linux 9: Configuring the Firewall Oracle Linux 9: Using OpenSCAP for Security Compliance Oracle Linux: Managing Certificates and Public Key Infrastructure Oracle Linux: Connecting to Remote Systems With OpenSSH ...
firewalldupdated from 1.1.1-3.0.1.el9 to 1.2.1-1.0.1.el9 firewalld-filesystemupdated from 1.1.1-3.0.1.el9 to 1.2.1-1.0.1.el9 fwupdupdated from 1.7.9-1.0.2.el9 to 1.8.10-2.0.1.el9 fwupd-plugin-flashromupdated from 1.7.9-1.0.2.el9 to 1.8.10-2.0.1.el9 ...
echo " oracledb" >>/etc/hosts 7.关闭selinux: sed-i"s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/" /etc/selinux/config setenforce 0 8.检查软件依赖环境,需要安装的依赖包(版本号只能大于规定的版本,不能小于): 安装命令: yum -y install binutils compat-libcap1 compat-libstdc++-33 gcc gcc-c++...
firewall-cmd --add-port=8088/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --add-port=9060/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --add-port=5100/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --add-port=7200/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --add-port=8005/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --add-port=17081/tcp --permanent firewall...
systemctl stop firewalld systemctl disable firewalld 1. 2. 5、Selinux配置 selinux修改后需要重启主机生效: sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config 1. 6、ISO镜像源配置 需要先挂载主机镜像: Parallels Desktop挂载Linux主机镜像: ...
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Web Application Firewall 取得Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Web 應用程式防火牆的最新文件。 查看最新文件 加入同儕社群 Cloud Customer Connect 是 Oracle 的重要線上雲端社群。該社群擁有超過 200,000 名成員,特別針對促進點對點協同合作所設計,讓社群成員能夠分享最佳實務、取得最新產品資訊,以...
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/ [root@localhost /]# 防火墙先禁用,搞好之后再配置,个人虚拟机,要毛线防火墙~~ 6.关闭selinux(需重启生效) [root@localhost /]# vi /etc/selinux/config [root@localhost /]# cat /etc/selinux/config ...
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Web Application Firewall protects internet-facing application servers using threat intelligence and consistent rule enforcement.
sudo systemctl stop firewalld sudo systemctldisablefirewalld OracleVM1에 대한 환경 구성 oracle사용자 암호를 설정합니다. Bash복사 sudo passwd oracle azureuser암호(OracleLab123)를 입력합니다. ...
主题:Linux平台Oracle 单实例安装部署 环境:RHEL 6.5 + Oracle 需求:安装部署OEM 13.2需要Oracle版本作为资料库 p21419221_12...