JSON_OBJECT(key VALUE value [, key VALUE value ] ...) 示例 生成一个 JSON 对象: SELECT JSON_OBJECT('name' VALUE 'John', 'age' VALUE 30) AS json_object FROM dual; JSON_ARRAY JSON_ARRAY 用于创建一个 JSON 数组。 例如创建一个包含多个元素的 JSON 数组: SELECT JSON_ARRAY('apple', 10...
staticOracleJsonValueOracleJsonValue.NULL JSON null. staticOracleJsonValueOracleJsonValue.TRUE JSON true. Methods inoracle.sql.jsonwith type parameters of typeOracleJsonValue Modifier and TypeMethodDescription <T extendsOracleJsonValue> List<T>OracleJsonArray.getValuesAs(Class<T> c) ...
Strings.In JSON, strings are enclosed in double quotation marks, can contain any Unicode character, and are commonly used to store and transmit text-based data, such as names, addresses, or descriptions. Boolean.Boolean values are designated as either true or false. Boolean values aren’t surro...
SELECT json_query(column, json_path RETURNING data_type array_wrapper error_hander ON ERROR) FROM table; SELECT jt.column_alias FROM table, json_table(column, '$' error_handler ON ERROR COLUMNS ("COLUMN_ALIAS" data_type FORMAT JSON array_wrapper PATH json_path)) AS "JT"; 39.5.6 Orac...
// queryReceiverById - read data for the given receiver from the chaincode state func (t *EducationChaincode) queryReceiverById(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) peer.Response { var recev_id, jsonResp string var err error if len(args) != 1 { return shim.Error("Incorrect num...
二. Json数据insert 数据准备: insert into test_json select rownum as rn, json_text from ( select json_object( 'deptno' value d.deptno, 'dname' value d.dname, 'loc' value d.loc, 'emps' value json_arrayagg ( json_object( 'empno' value e.empno, ...
Strings.In JSON, strings are enclosed in double quotation marks, can contain any Unicode character, and are commonly used to store and transmit text-based data, such as names, addresses, or descriptions. Boolean.Boolean values are designated as either true or false. Boolean values aren’t surro...
'emps'value json_arrayagg ( json_object( 'empno'value e.empno, 'ename'value e.ename, 'job'value e.job, 'mgr'value e.mgr, 'hiredate'value e.hiredate, 'sal'value e.sal, 'comm'value e.comm ) ) )asjson_text fromdept d
Type: array of objects(AdditionalColumns) (or Expression with resultType array of objects). Returns: the additionalColumns value.fromJson public static OracleSource fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) Reads an instance of OracleSource from the JsonReader. Parameters: jsonReader - The JsonReader being ...
JSON {"name":"OracleLinkedService","properties": {"type":"Oracle","typeProperties": {"connectionString":"Host=<host>;Port=<port>;Sid=<sid>;User Id=<username>;Password=<password>;"},"connectVia": {"referenceName":"<name of Integration Runtime>","type":"IntegrationRuntimeReference"} ...