Connection refused(DESCRIPTION=(TMP=)(VSNNUM=153093120)(ERR=12505)(ERROR_STACK=(ERROR=(CODE=12505)(EMFI=4))) 而直接通过plsql可以正常连接数据库,或者可以通过sqlplus 连接数据库 经过debug和查找相关的资料发现问题原因如下: jdbc连接数据库的时候,需要使用数据库的sid_name,而不是数据库的services_name 而...
固定的写法: Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); Connection conn =DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:oracle:thin:@","test" , "test"); 2、使用oci连接(Oracle Call Interface) 优点:使用OCI连接数据库是企业级的做法,适应于单个数据库和集群数据库,性能优越,尤其是连接...
"jdbc:default:connection", 0, 23)) { String s1 = "jdbc:oracle:kprb"; int j = s.length(); if(j > 23) s = s1.concat(s.substring(23, s.length())); else s = s1.concat(":"); s1 = null; } int i = oracleAcceptsURL(s); if(i == 1) return null; if(i ...
public static Connection Oracl(){ String sUsr="taotao"; String sPwd="tao5201920"; Connection conn=null; //加载jdbc-odbc 桥驱动程序 try { Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); conn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@",sUsr,sPwd); conn.setAutoCo...
You are attempting to connect to an Oracle instance using JDBC and you are receiving the following error. java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish connection SQLException: SQLState (null) vendor code (17002) ...
报错原因是oracle密码过期,根本解决办法是让密码不再过期,永久有效。具体操作记录一下。 cmd命令行输入: 修改Oracle密码期限为无限:
jdbc:oracle:thin:testuser/testpass@localhost Java Application code An application involving Java with database to process any SQL statement must follow these steps: Establish a connection. (This is done by DriverManager class) Create a Statement object. (Line 17) ...
这种类是支持序列化的,它可以使用以 JDBC Connection 作为参数的 "toREF" 方法重新创建 REF。 公共类 SomeREF 实施 { String typeName; byte[] bytes; public SomeREF (oracle.sql.REF ref) throws SQLException { this.typeName = ref.getBaseTypeName (); this.bytes = ref.getBytes ...
Basic example : Once you connect to the database and, in the process, create your Connection object (see OracleDriver), the next step is to create a Statement object. The createStatement method of your JDBC Connection object returns an object of the JDBC Statement type. Here is an example ...
Oracle Failed to obtain JDBC Connection; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: HikariDataSource HikariDataSource (HikariPool-1) has been closed. 这个问题我在多个项目中都出现过,百度了很多都没有解决,有的是数据库服务器升级就消失,有的是数据库表加索引后消失...