(OL 8 GPG Key) Documentation Download Script-friendly Download URLs The URLs listed above will remain the same for update releases to allow their use in scripts. ...
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Java Development Kit 8, Update 20 (JDK 8u20) is now available. This latest release of the Java Platform continues to improve upon the significant advances made in the JDK 8 release with new features, security and performance optimizations. These include:
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Java Platform, Standard Edition Software Development Kit (JDK) release 8 with the latest updates. NetBeans IDE 8.1 or Eclipse IDE 4.5 with all the latest patches installed. You can download the latest versions at: Oracle...
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Download locations with the /java/latest/ provide you with the latest release in the selected version. Here is how to use the download command: Copy code snippet Copied to Clipboard Error: Could not Copy Copied to Clipboard Error: Could not Copy ...
MySQL Database Service now supports MySQL 8.0.28. New MySQL DB Systems are based on the latest MySQL Database version. MySQL ... MySQL Database Service Online Storage Resize Services:HeatWave Release Date:December 15, 2021 You can now expand the total storage capacity of your MySQL DB System...
直接使用镜像:frolvlad/alpine-oraclejre8:slim --> 不支持bash pivotalservices/jdk8-minimal:latest --> 支持bash ,可以执行shell 参考: 1、首先下载jre,下载地址是,大概是77M。